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baby a²r

There had been something off with Wynter for the past few days but she couldn't place her finger on it. Walking into Melwood, her adrenaline was in slumber while her energy levels were on a low however despite all of her unusual symptoms, she went against her own internal thoughts and willingly participated in the training session.

Wrong decision made.

Even with the immense sums of sprints and cardio that the squad had to endure, Wynter still managed to perform at her highest standards. However, that didn't mean that she wasn't struggling in the shadows. It'd been a constant situation for the last few days and as much as the french girl wanted to voice her concerns, she didn't want to bring up her minor symptoms—fatigue, headaches, swelling in her upper feminine areas—to the medics if they themselves would just repeat her exact thoughts back at her.

While the players were indulged in a mini-game of football, Wynter felt nausea rush over her system, running up her throat with no mercy. Her teammates called after the girl in worry as she abandoned the game and ran towards the nearest bin on the pitch, rebuking her previous breakfast.

"Winnie, that's one breakfast you had there," As he was the closet, Alex followed after the french girl, doing the favour of holding back her hair while she emptied out her stomach. "Are you alright?"

She shook her head, feeling tears brim up in her eyes. "I-I don't know. I've been feeling all kinds of ways lately and I don't know why."

"Hey, why don't you go back inside with the medics and get yourself sorted. I'll tell Klopp and the lads want's going on, yeah?" He suggested.

She inhaled deeply before nodding rather slowly. "Alright, I'll do that."

"Do you want me to tell Trent to come with you?"

"No, he needs to be focused on himself right now. Whatever happens, I'll just tell him myself."

. . .

"Alright, Winnie. Can you revise to me everything that you've experienced in the last few days?" The team doctor, Kali, asked as she glanced down at her clipboard.

"Well," Wynter sighed, trying to recall all the information needed. "Uh, I've been having some weird food cravings but I don't think much of it. I have had lower back pain but I just assumed it was from all the weight training I've been doing. Then, Jürgen hasn't played me for a full ninety minutes in the last few weeks since I've been so tired. Oh, and I just puked out on the pitch."

"Okay. Wynter, can I ask you a question?" The player nodded, allowing the doctor to continue. "Have you and Trent been trying for a baby?"

"Yeah, but why—" The player didn't bother to finish her sentence as realisation decided to dawn over her. "I see where you're going now, but we've been trying since our wedding which was a year ago so I never saw me being pregnant as an option."

"Just take these," Kali handed Wynter a few pregnancy tests. "I think there's a high chance that you're pregnant but just to make sure, take them all. If they're all positive but you're still unsure, you can get an ultrasound for some confirmation."

The player nodded before she exited the room, the next few minutes occurring ever so slowly. After she'd done what she needed to do on the sticks, she had a lot of thoughts roaming around in her head. With much spent years playing football, she knew that eventually, she wanted to have kids of her own. I mean, the french girl had recently gotten married yet she still felt as though she was ready to step down for a minute to experience motherhood.

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