Stranger in Moscow

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Blaire POV

It is now 1993 me and Michael still haven't got in touch I think I need to talk him I found out I was pregnant and we have a beautiful baby boy his name is Isaiah Jackson and doesn't know anything about him he was born last year in 1992 October 23rd 1992 so he is two months old I decided to call him it's been so long since I heard his voice well here it goes

Michael POV

I miss Blaire she's been in my mind I have been trying to stay happy but I can't she's all I can think about but I am at home cause I just finished my music video stranger in Moscow that's when the phone ringed I answered it and knew that voice so well oh my god it was Blaire I was so happy to hear from her

Michael: Sure what time

Blaire: Tomorrow at 2:30

Michael: ok ...see you tomorrow

Blaire: you as well Goodnight

Michael: Goodnight

They both were so happy to hear from each other and that made Michael day that she called him

Michael took his 🚿 and got ready for bed he was so excited to see Blaire tomorrow after so long if not talking to each other he washed his clothes so he can wear it again cause it suppose to rain tomorrow

2:30pm afternoon

Blaire POV

Today I am meeting up with Michael and the kids are in school my babies are all growing up on me now I have Isaiah that's when I seen Michael pulling up well here goes nothing and he still looks handsome the last time I seen him he looks good in black I know he had a music video to do and it was the same outfit I guessed he watched it and reword it it is raining outside a little bit

Michael POV

I got out the car and saw Blaire wow she beautiful it's been that long and I haven't seen her in so long and she still looks the same by the way I'm 34 and she is 32 wow we've grown a lot

Blaire: Hey

Michael: Hey

Blaire got horny his voice was still the same after so long

Michael: So uh what's up

Blaire: I need to tell you something it's important

Michael: ok

Blaire: we haven't spoken to Each other in along time but I decided that I wanted to work it out

Michael: Really

Blaire: yes

Michael: ok

Blaire: But before we do ...there's something else I wanna tell you

Michael: ok

Blaire: Michael you remember two years ago when we broke up

Michael: yes

Blaire: well Michael I found out that I was pregnant with our son ...he was born last year

Michael: So I have a son

Blaire: yes you do ...he's right here if you want to meet him

Michael: ok

She removed the covers from his face and handed him to Michael

Michael held him in his arms and he fell in love with him already

Michael: When was he born

Blaire: October 23rd 1992 he's two months old

Michael: what's his name

Blaire: Isaiah Jackson is his name

Michael thought that was a beautiful name

In this story they are going to have children born in different years

Blaire: But I want to work on our relationship again like we used to be

Michael: I would love that

Blaire: So do you want to get back together that we have son together

Michael: Yes I do

Blaire: ok

Michael : well let's go

She put him back in his car seat and they went back to his Neverland home

Michael POV

I can't believe that I have a son I am officially a father at 34yrs old I can't believe this Isaiah is so handsome and looks just like me

Blaire POV

Well it's official me and Michael are back together he now has a son that he can take care of

They made it to Neverland and got out of the car Michael got Isaiah out of the car and they walked in the house

Soon they got in the house Isaiah started crying uncontrollably and Michael got worried

Blaire reached into his bag and removed his diaper he had a rashes

Blaire: it's ok he has a rash on him

Michael: From What

Blaire: his diapers he's need organic and the hospital didn't have organic that's why he got the rashes

Michael: ok I can go and get some

Blaire: Or we can order some

Michael: yea but I rather buy it

Blaire: ok and while your at it buy him this stuff it's for his bowl movement

Michael: Alright

He went to go buy the stuff for Isaiah and came back home

Michael: I'm back

Blaire: thank god can you go change him he's really irritated

Michael: ok this the cream you use

Blaire: yes it is

He went to go change Isaiah and put the cream on him ...he felt a lot better

Michael: Does that feel better

He began to giggle and he thought it was cute ...he has Michael laugh

Michael: we're back

Blaire: I see

He put him down in his rocker to rock him to sleep

Blaire kissed Michael and the spark was still there after such a long time

Blaire: I love you Michael

Michael: I love you too

They gave each other a hug and Michael went to go play with Isaiah

After a long day Blaire went to go 🚿 while Michael made dinner...he was so focused on it until Isaiah started to cry

Michael warmed up his bottle and gave it to him while cooking ...but he wasn't no where near the stove

Blaire finished her 🚿 and came downstairs to smell the food coming from the kitchen

Blaire: that smells so good

Michael: I know but here you go

Blaire: Thanks

She went to go eat and Michael took Isaiah a bath then he was asleep

Michael came back downstairs to join Blaire at the dinner he was happy to have her back and along with that Isaiah her kids now have a little brother

They in bed and Blaire knocked out soon after

Blaire: Goodnight

Michael: Goodnight

He gave her a goodnight kiss and turned the light off they were fast asleep

Next chapter is coming

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