Chapter 6

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Koko and Joon were sitting in the living room, watching tv, when Rapmon started to bark.

"Rapmon! Stop barking!" Joon got up from his spot on the couch and went to the door. "I'm coming, alright?"

Before Joon can reach the door, the person on the other side bursts through.


Koko groans. "Tae, what are you doing here? You just left!"

"I'M MOVING IN BITCHES!" Tae pulled his suitcase in behind him.

And a person.

Jungkook gives a small wave. "Hey, guys."

"Why did you bring more people?!" Koko yelled. "You aren't supposed to leave and come back with more than you brought the first time!"

"This time, you two yayhoos aren't staying together." Tae said, gesturing to Joon and Koko. "We're all staying in Joon's room. Koko will stay in her own."

"There wasn't an option. I'm getting my own bed." Koko scoffed, crossing her arms.

Joon tried to spit his words out, at first having trouble. "W-Who even said you staying here?!"

"Me." Tae said, pulling his suitcase and Jungkook to Joon's room.

Joon sighed, throwing himself onto the couch. "I didn't ask for this."
Koko was in Joon's room helping Tae and Jungkook unpack their one suitcase. Why they only brought one, she doesn't know. She put the last of the shirts in the drawer and turned to Tae.

"Why'd you come here, Tae?" She asked.

Tae sighed, putting down the pants he was folding. "I had to get out of dad's house. It was getting to be too much for me."

"But why'd you bring Jungkook?" Koko patted Jungkook's shoulder. "It's not that I don't like you, I just have no clue why he brought you."

"I don't like it there either. Mom and Jonghoon are always whispering to each other about something. It makes me uncomfortable, like I'm going to end up getting involved in something I don't want to." Jungkook explained, making Koko very suspicious.

Koko blinked, thinking of what she was going to say next. She wasn't sure if it was the right move or bot, but she had to say it. "Even your mom?"

Jungkook nodded. "I've never trusted her. She's always been secretive and all that. Always keeping stuff from me."

"I'm sorry it's like that." Koko consoled the boy. He didn't seem bery mad about it though.

Jungkook shook his head. "No, don't be sorry. I don't need to be around someone that I don't trust, even if she is my mother." He smiled for reassurance.

"Speaking of," Tae interupted. "Have you spoken to Eomma recently?"

"Yeah, I have, actually. I was living with her right before I moved in here. Just for a short period." Koko answered.

Tae bit his lip. "H-How is she?"

"Don't worry, Tae. She not mad at you. She understands." Koko assured. "And she's great. She's not in pain anymore. She actually has a very successful job and is stable. I'm sure she'd love to see you."

Tae sucked in a breath. "I c-can't. Not after I left her for Appa."

"Sure you can. She's always speaking of you and wondering how you were doing." Koko said.

"I just..." Tae paused. "I can't face her knowing I left her when she was hurt."

Koko frowned. "She's told me multiple times that she's glad we left her to her pain alone. She said she recovers best when she's alone. How about this, we'll go see her tomorrow."

"I think I'd actually like that." Tae smiled.
hehe another short one cuz they be like that now-

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