Chapter 7

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"Eomma!" Koko entered their Mom's house with Tae behind her. "Are you here?"

"Yes, honey! I'm in the kitchen!" Their Eomma replied.

Koko led Tae into the kitchen. He was nervous, but also excited. Once they entered, he saw his Eomma, who he hadn't seen for two years.

"Hello, Eomma. I've brought someone to see you." Koko said, pulling Tae to stand next to her.

"Oh, well, who did you bring to see me? I love guests, Ko!" Their Eomma turned around, the brightest smile on her face. "I can't wait to-"

She stopped. Her face dropped, as well as the towel she had in her hand. "T-T-Taehyung?"

"Hi, Eomma." He bowed as full ninty degrees, afraid of what he Eomma may think of him.

"Stand up, boy!" She scolded.

He stood up immediately, thinking he would get shunned out of the house. But instead he was wrapped in the biggest, tightest hug.

"I missed you so much, my beautiful boy." She released her hug and put her hands on his cheeks. "Why didn't you come to see me sooner!"

"I didn't think you'd want to see me after what I did." Tae said, tears welling up in his eyes.

Their Eomma's eyes widened. "Not want to see you?! Stupid boy, why would I not want to see my son?!"

"I thought you were disappointed and angry at me." Tears were now spilling down Tae's face, but their Eomma wiped them away.

"I could never, ever noy want to see you, even if I was a little disappointed." She said, looking him directly in the eyes. "I love you, and that nothing will ever change that. You are my child. I will always love you, no matter what."

"Eomma..." Tae couldn't even finish before he collapsed into their Eomma's arms.

They stood there for a few more minutes until Tae stopped crying.

"How about we go into the living room?" Their Eomma suggested and Tae nodded with a sniffle.

Making their way to the living room, Koko followed, sitting on the couch next to Tae. Their Eomma sat in her own chair on oppisite the couch.

"I'm so glad you came to see me, Tae." Their Eomma said, smiling.

Tae returned the smile. "I'm glad, too."
The time came when it was time for the two guests to return home. Their Eomma led them to the door, hugging each of them before they left.

After their Eomma had shut the door, Tae sighed. "I'm so relieved."

"Me too." Koko said. "You have no idea how nervous I was."

Tae looked offended. "I thought you said you were sure she wanted to see me?!"

"Not for you! For me! I broke Eomma's flower vase right before I had left last time and I thought she had found out and was going to scold me!" Koko exclaimed, a hand on her chest.

"Are you serious?" Tae deadpanned. "You were nervous because you broke a vase?"

Koko gave him a side eye. "It was her purple vase."

Tae gasped. "You broke Eomma's purple vase?!"

"Shhhhh! We're still close to her house!" Koko put a hand over his mouth. "But yes, I broke her purple vase. At least it wasn't her blue one."
soooo yes
im shooting these chaps out faster than ive ever shot out any chaps
prolly like 80 more but oh well :)

these are also all unedited oop-

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