Lucifer & Alastor

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        A/N: Please read the description, viewer discretion is advised, you have been warned.

                            One day in Hell, the Devil was going for a walk, moving with regal form while holding his apple cane in front of him as he wore his usual white attire that would throw many Demons off as to why he dressed that way.  Perhaps it was to make others underestimate him?  Maybe it was to show off, he did like to be showy and as such he would catch the eye of a certain crimson Demon who watched him from afar.  He'd only met the Devil once, during his initial rampage upon first arriving in Hell, the Radio Demon had been stopped by Lucifer himself after killing Overlords left and right to assert his place in the new realm he found himself in as he had been a serial killer in life and his sins landed him right in Hell.  Alastor followed after the Devil, close behind as he thought to exchange pleasantries with the Ruler of Hell, however, Lucifer stopped to turn and face him curiously tilting his head.

"Can I help you with something?"  Alastor's grin widened as he stood with his microphone at his side,

"Why yes, I was hoping to meet the Devil and see what kind of fellow he was?  Name's Alastor!"  He offered his hand to the other, the Devil made no move to take it as he looked the other up and down, he seemed familiar but the Devil met so many Demons that he couldn't quite remember them all.

"Lucifer Magne, what can I do for you, Alastor?"

"Just wanted to know if it was true?  The Devil has a daughter?"  The Devil hid his expression as he remained smiling,

"Perhaps?  What of it?"

"Just find it rather amusing, the Devil being a Father and all?  Thought dead souls couldn't breed down here?"  Lucifer chuckled as that was the case but putting him in with the filth,

"Do I look one of those mortal souls?  Don't insult me," his grin strained as he clenched his cane, Alastor saw this and reaching into his coat he pulled a gun out.

"Seems you need to cool off, friend!"  He pulled the trigger and from the gun a powerful wave of water spewed from its barrel knocking the Devil to the ground where he was soaked to the bone, sputtering water while wiping his face to shake his wet hair as it was sticking to his face.  He glared at the other Demon as Alastor was cracking up, Lucifer stood giving a devilish grin to the other while raising his cane.

"Funny is it?  Seems someone needs to learn their place," using his magic to make a piano appear over the other's head, he'd let it fall on top of Alastor crushing him to the ground, hearing a short shout as Alastor felt a few bones break from the incident.  Lucifer when to grab his hat while turning to walk off,

"The audacity of some mortals, honestly..." Alastor was able to pull himself from under the piano as he slowly started to heal but glaring at the Devil's back as he left.

                        A few days later, Lucifer would be flying over Hell looking down at the denizens of the city as a strange broadcast was going through the air, he faintly remembered it from another time when he fought a Demon to stop his rampage through the streets.  It was broadcasting the torture of some Demoness while the host spoke quite charming and somewhat high and mighty that it was starting to annoy the Devil, meanwhile, broadcasting from within himself was Alastor the Radio Demon as he held a Demoness captive on top the roof of a building.

"Come now, Sweetheart, surely you know more about this Simon of the North as you're rumored to be his mate!  How touching?"  Noticing something from the corner of his eye, Alastor would look to the sky to see a flying figure and for the fun of it, he raised his microphone to aim at it with a red beam that flew straight for Lucifer.  The Devil had little time to dodge as he was shot down to fall to the side of a building, before falling he dug his claws into the side catching himself.  Growling he climbed to the top to rest as the beam had hit a wing, hearing the voice nearby of the one who was broadcasting he saw that red Demon along with a Demoness who was tied up while crying.  She had few scraps and bloody marks as well as a bite mark out of her arm, Lucifer folded his wings as he heard that Demon Alastor speaking.

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