Chapter 8

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"Jungkook, could you feed Rapmon for me?"

Jungkook did as Joon said, not wanting to be kicked out and having to go back to live with his Mom and Stepdad. Rapmon came running in as soon as he heard the food hitting the dish.

Jungkook walked into the living room, turning on the tv for something to do. Without Tae around, the house was pretty boring. He didn't really know if he should sit in the bedroom or the living room.

Finally finding something interesting to watch, Jungkook settled into the couch, trying to get comfortable.
Jungkook woke up to the sound of the door being opened. He looked to see Tae and Koko walking in.

"Hey, Kook." Tae said, sitting on the couch next to him. "Whatcha watching?"

"I-" Jungkook stopped to look at the tv, realizing he didn't really know what he was watching. "-don't know... I fell asleep watching something different and now this is on."

Koko went over to the tv and choose a comedy movie. "Why don't we watch this? It's really good."

Jungkook shrugged, getting himself in a more confortable position to watch the movie. As it started, Joon came into the room.

"What're you guys watching?" He asked.

"It's a comedy movie and Koko said it's really good." Tae said. "Wanna watch?"

"Sure, why not?" Joon found a spot on the floor to sit and began to watch the movie.
By the time the movie was over, Jungkook was the only one still awake, considering he had fallen asleep earlier. He decided it was best to just get up and leave the other three to sleep in peace.

He went to the kitchen to look for something to snack on. Settling on an ice cream bar, he sat down at the table and ate his ice cream in thought.

He thought about his Mom. About how he doesn't trust her. About all of the pain she's caused him. But he hasn't told the others that. He doesn't want to burden then with his problems. They've already done enough by letting him stay in their house on a whim.

Even though Tae was the one who dragged him in.

He just wishs his childhood with his parents would've been a little bit better. He wishes he could trust his Mom. He wishes everything would go back to the way it was when he was really little.

He wishes his Dad was still with him.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because there isn't any way for him to bring his Dad back. He can't get him back. He doesn't have any way to contact him.

He doesn't have the info from his Mom.

He doesn't have the abilities.

He doesn't have the permission from him Mom.

And he never will, because he doesn't want to see hus untrustworthy Mother ever again. He could care less about her after the way she hurt him. He would rather her rot with her new husband.

All he ever wanted was for his Mom to apollogize for all the wrong she did to him.

But he knows now that he can't have that with her new husband around.

He just hopes that when she rots, he rots with her.

Because he's the one who ruined her.

He's the rotten man who corupted her into making her son's life a living hell.
omg guys that got soooo deep im so sorry
i promise that im ok
none of this has happened to me
but ik that it happens to some people and i just wanted to show that because it really does happen and it deserves to be talked about

but this chap was mostly about jungkook cuz i wanted to have a chap about him and i didnt know it would turn this deep

i think this book has turned into a soap opera-

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