(1)Its been a while

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(Notice:Minju has been brainwashed due to the kidnapping trauma...she doesn't even know who Hyewon is now)

"Its been a while mom"Minju said to her mom....."yeah maybe we should go back to korea"Minju's mom said..."Yeah and I don't have that Japanese guy now right he filed a divorce"Minju replied...."What date will you want to fly?"Her mom asked changing the topic...."Maybe next week at 8:30 pm"Minju said to her mom..."yeah Monday at 8:30 its the only thing that can be booked"Her mom replied while scrolling through flights..."Fine I'll just pack up its already Saturday"Minju said and ran towards her room but suddenly bumped into a man...."Why the hell are you in here?"Minju shouted to the man...."Minju-yah let's be together again please I'm begging"The man begs....."You were the one to break up and now your asking for another chance!"Minju yelled loudly...."Please its my mistake to break up with you please one chance please"The man begged...."Its a big no and you know what i didnt loved you since then you were just arranged to me and lastly i will never love you till the end"Minju snapped....."But i really love you"The man said....."But i will never love you"Minju replied and ran towards her room but her hands were caught by the man and pinned her to the wall....."Won't you give me a chance"the man said to Minju while she is pinned to the wall....."its a simple answer and its a no"Minju said to the man...."then take this as a lesson"the man pushed Minju towards her room and pushed her into the bed...."Dad help!"Minju shouted before the man covered her mouth....the man started to rip Minju's shirt revealing her body...."i really wanted to do this with you but you keep denying and now I'll do it without permission"The man whispered to Minju...."Mom this man is a psycho help!"Minju shouted again...."they will not help you b*tch"the man said then proceeded into taking off his pants....."Ugh!"The man groaned as his dick springed from his pants....."this is for you and your virginity is mine too"the man said to Minju which made her panic.....The man was close to inserting his dick into Minju's protected hole until his dad punched the jerks face and went unconscious...."thanks dad"Minju said while being uncomfortable......"this jerk is really a psycho Minju's dad said then sighed....Minju's dad carried the unconscious man and drop him to the nearest clinic at shibuya....He drove back and left the man in the clinic with his things.....When he arrived home he walked towards Minju's room...."Minju let's just fly back to Korea for your safety okay"Minju's dad said..."Mom already booked for us two"Minju said to her dad..."Why am i always out of your trips?"her dad asked while pouting..."dad don't do that things its disgusting"Minju said and pouted..."Fine!go pack your things up and I'll book another ticket"Her dad said then left the room...Minju then packs her things up and checked the time..."Oh already 5:00 am let's sleep for now Monday will be exausthing"Minju said to herself then proceed to sleeping........

Its been a while is
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