Chapter 9

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It had been about a week since Tae and Jungkook had moved in with Joon and Koko and things were a little hectic. Tae was wild, as always. Running around, being loud, jumping randomly. No one knew why he would just start jumping, but he did.

Jungkook, on the other hand, seemed like he would be a little more calm when he first arrived, but it was the complete opposite after three days went by. He would raid the fridge, fall asleep all the time, never leave the house.

A little hectic may have been an understatement...

But besides all the chaos, everything had been going well.

That is, until Tae revealed exactly what he hadn't wanted to. At least, not yet.
Tae looked through all the cupboards and cabinets looking for noodles, but couldn't seem to find any.

"Koko, is there any noodles left?"

"No, Tae. You ate them all, remember?"

Tae huffed. "Well, you should buy more. I didn't come here and keep the secret about Appa the whole time, just for you to run out of noodles."

"What did you just say?" Koko suddely appeared right next to him, eyes wide.

"I said-" Tae stopped abruptly, realizing his mistake. "-nothing. I said nothing."

Koko shook her head. "No, you said something about  Appa and a secret. Tell me. Now."

"I won't tell you." Tae stood his ground, trying to keep from revealing everything.

"Tell me, or you can leave right now." Koko said, face serious and voice stern.

"I was trying to keep this from you so you wouldn't be sad and upset, but I guess I'm not very good at secrets..." Tae sighed. "Go sit down."

Koko walked to the living room and sat on the couch, Tae following.

He took a deep breath before continuing. "I found out why Appa cheated on Eomma so I came here. Appa and Rebecka are always whispering around the house, keeping secrets. They try to keep it so Jungkook and I can't hear what they're talking about, but I just so happened to hear them one time."

Koko thought about what Jungkook had said about the whispering and not trusting his mother.

"Appa said that he cheated on Eomma because she couldn't give him what he wanted, and that she was only there for someone to cover up his lies. He just needed someone nice and pretty and smart to keep his parents happy, but once Eomma found out that he was seeing someone behind her back that could give him more pleasure than her, she left him. He said she would regret leaving him and that she'd never see what he has planned for her coming. I'm scared for Eomma. She doesn't deserve this."

Tae looked to Koko and she had tears brimming her eyes.

She balled up her fists. "That douche bag. That's why I never trusted him."

"He's gonna get what he deserves but you are going to stay put and safe while I figure out a way to deal with this." Tae seemed serious now, for once in his life.

Koko stood up and headed for her room. "I can't promise anything, Tae. You can't stop me from protecting my Eomma."
ok this wasnt intended but i swear this has turned into some kids show soap opera mix type thing
i didnt even mean to and it got so deep and cheesy at the same time
but im not mad about it-
lmao just gonna say it randomly started going really fast and its gonna be over soon oops :)
its called i got ideas-

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