Chapter 11

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Joon sat next to Koko on the couch as she was watching tv.

"Koko, I know you been really busy lately and we haven't really spent much time together."

Koko looked at Joon, her smile wide. "We should go do something then."

Joon nodded, standing up and putting his shoes on. Koko did the same, taking less time than him, considering it takes him so long to tie his shoes because he's scared he's going to break the laces.

As they walked out the door, Koko skipped down the steps and waited for Joon to come down all of them. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Hm," Joon thought for a second. "how about the park. We can go to all the food stands. Perferably ice cream."

Koko smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

With that, she took off running, leaving Joon in her dust. He yelled after her, but soon realized she was too far gone to hear him so he had to run to catch up to her.
Joon and Koko arrived back at the apartment, tired but not hungry, having visited many food stands.

"Where have you two been all day?" Tae asked, appearing out of nowhere.

Koko shrugged. "The park. We just walked around and ate from food stands."

Tae pouted. "You didn't bring me back amything?"

"Actually," Joon stuck his hand in his pocket. "I bought you a pack of special flavored gum."

Tae's eyes lit up. "Thanks, dude!"

"Hey, give this one to Kook. Don't just keep it to yourself." Joon tossed another one to Tae.

Koko had already taken off her shoes and sat on the couch, relaxing. She had a movie on and Joon decided to watch it with her.

It ended up being another comedy movie that was really funny, the whole room erupting with laughter.
"Kook, I have a pack of special gum for you."

Jungkook turned around at Tae's voice, looking at him in his pink sweatshirt and green pajama pants.

"What are you wearing?" Jungkook asked, eyebrows raised.

Tae frowned. "My pajamas. Dom't judge, just take the gum."

Jungkook took the gum and put a piece in his mouth. The taste instantly made him smile.

Strawberry Mint.

"It's good isn't it?" Tae chuckled, putting a piece in his own mouth. "Joon got it when him and Koko went to the food stalls in the park."

Jungkook nodded. "I always used to buy this when i saved up a few dollars. It's the best flavor."

Tae put the pack of gum up on the dresser and sat down on the bed. He took out his phone and texted some people back, looked at some social media, and conpetely forgot Jungkook was still in the room.

"Are you just gonna forget that I'm here?"

Tae looked up, raising his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah. Oops."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. He flopped down next to Tae on the bed. "Why is this place so boring? Like do they only watch the news here or something?"

"Apparently not." Tae said. "Last time I was here I asked them if they watched the news and they said no."

"Well, they should watch the news more with how boring they are." Jungkook sighed, rolling over and facing the wall next to the bed.
guys its almost over oop-
this was really short but thats how i wanted it

Because That's My Sister •{Kim Namjoon}• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now