Chapter 5 A Place We Call Home

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"CLOUD!" Max yelled flying down and grabbing my arm.

I kept my eyes closed and putting all my weight on my sleeping figure. Max grunted and held me close to her body and shielded both of us with her wings along with mine. The hard impact of the ground knocked the wind out of me and woke me up. Me and Max groaned and grunted as we pulled away from each other.

"C-Cloud... Are you ok?.." Max said sitting up coughing and rubbing her back.

I laid on my stomach and nodded. My head pounding and my arm killing me.

"I-I'm sorry Max... I'm s-so tired.." I said sitting up and placing my hand on my forehead. I sighed and looked to see the rest of the flock surround us and checking us. Gazzy grabbed my arm and saw bruises along my forearm. Nudge pushed Max's hair from her forehead and checked for any signs of bleeding. Angel put Total down and rolled up Max's pants leg and saw purple and blue marks on her shin. Fang checked my legs and saw the same mark on my knee.

Max sighed."It's ok Cloud."

Max hissed when Angel pressed against her bruise.

"Ow! Angel! Honey, that hurts." Max complained.

"Sorry Max!" Angel whined.

Max sighed and patted Angel's head and gave her a reassuring smile. Angel smiled back and got up from her knees. Max stood up and dusted herself off. I stood up a bit wobbly but shook it off.

"Are you guys sure you're ok to go on?" Nudge asked standing in front of Max.

"Yeah Nudge! Remember I had to go through the same thing with Fang here when we fought those erasers." Max said smirking and pointing her thumb to Fang.

Fang rolled his eyes and turned his head away from the back of Max's head.

I giggled and smiled. Their antics are funny when you really think about it. Nudge laughed and took Max's word for it. Our wings coming from our backs. We jumped up and flapped our wings and flew off.

It's been about an hour since we have been flying. We've made suggestions about how the house will look like and what we want inside. Gazzy suggested we should have a explosive lab in the basement and Total wanted a dog playhouse in the back yard,Nudge wants her room to be big with a mall like closet, Iggy wanted noting more or less from their old house.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE WE HAVE A MILLION DOLLARS TO SPEND ON ALL THAT?! Except you Iggy. You made a good decision." Max yelled.

I held back a laugh and tears were forming in my eyes. Fang crossed his arms and smiled. Angel stood in between me and Fang and laughed. Max turned to us and gave a cold stare. Fang smile was wiped from his face, Angel stopped laughing and had a straight face, and I held my breath and kept a straight face.

Max sighed."Okay, so this is the plan, we look at any vacant houses and we'll live there for a while. Sounds good?"

Everyone nodded and had a smile on their face.

"But! We need to stay together! Who know what might happen if we split up. And I don't need like a million houses to look at." Max said pointing to all of us.

We nodded and pointed in all different directions.

"Let's start there!" We all said at the same time.

"What?!" We all yelled at the same time.

"This is a problem." Iggy said not pointing.

Everyone put their arm down and looked at each other.

"So where do we start?" I asked.

"Let's start there!" Max asked pointing north.

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