🔥👻 Two 👻🔥

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The next day, I wake up laying in bed next to Grillbz. I feel my face heat up and I slowly get out of bed. I leave a note saying that I'm up and I'm going to hang out with Napsta today.

Napsta opens the door and when he sees me, he looks away. "Ohh...hi, Kip...I don't mean to sound rude...but I don't really feel up to hanging out today...sorry..." He then vanishes.

I confusedly go back to the lab and eat some ramen. Alphys walks over to me. "W-Why didn't you c-come home last night?" She asks concernedly. I blush and say "I was at Grillby's. Hey, do you have any idea why Napsta doesn't wanna hang out?"

Alphys thinks for a second after fangirling before saying "M-Maybe word g-got out about you two." I raise an eyebrow. "Already? That's pretty fast, don't you think?" She nods and says "I-I'll check t-the security cameras f-for signs of anything."

I sigh and smile. "Thanks, Alphys. I'm gonna go take a nap, I'm pretty tired." She nods and says "I-I'll tell you what I can find."

The next day, I go to open the door when I hear a knock. Frisk is standing there and says "Hi, Kip! Wanna go to Grillby's?" I blush and nod. Frisk nudges my stomach. "It's pretty obvious you like him, did you guys get together?"

Blushing madly, I nod my head, and Frisk squeals. "Let's go!" She shouts, grabbing my hand and sprinting all the way there.

We enter and sit at the bar next to Sans. He chuckles and says "Heya kid, Kip. I hear you got a hot date~!" He pulls out a package of spicy dates. I make a poker face at him. Papyrus runs through the door and says "DO YOU KNOW LONG HE'S BEEN WAITING TO USE THAT?"

I tilt my head. "But Grillby and I-" Sans interrupts me. "Two days ago? Yup, we all expected it. I mean, besides Napstablook, we didn't know he liked you, so we all decided to try and make Grillbz jealous so you could get together. And looky here, it worked."

Surprised, I sit silent for a few moments before grinning and saying "You guys have a really good fake blush." Sans blushes and scratches his neck before the blush goes away and he grins at me. "Like that?" He asks and I nod.

Frisk coughs and looks to the side with their face beet red. I shoot them a thumbs up and they smile and pose.

Then I look over to Grillby and make finger guns. "Heya, Grillbae," I say out loud, making his flames flicker blue, red, and pink. He scratches his neck embarrassedly and walks over.

I peck his lips and his flames turn beet red. The bar is filled with "Ooh's," and "Aah's," and "Looks like the smokin' hot guy found himself a hot date!" Sans said that last one while pulling out the dates again.

Grillby smiles at me and I order my usual. We're there talking, flirting, joking, and telling puns all day. After the bar closes, we're still there, and Grillby sits across from me.

Frisk crosses their arms. "We need proof you guys are dating," they say. Grillby smirks and grabs the front of my shirt before slamming me into a kiss.

My eyes widen in shock but I kiss back. He lets go of my shirt and pulls away, leaving me a blushing mess. "I-uh-wha-that was the most forward thing you've ever done," I stammer.

Sans grins. "Yup, Grillby's a pretty forward, dominant guy." Grillby ruffles my hair. "You're so cute when you're flustered," he whispered. "And you're so different when you're in a relationship," I shoot back. He chuckles and smirks. "So I am," He says.

Frisk waves their arms around and jumps up and down. "I GOTTA TELL ALPHYS THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!" They then sprint out the door. Sans winks and says "Oh yeah, forget about the other dates, they're not as hot as this one."

I flick his forehead. "Tibia honest, that jokes getting pretty old." Sans grins and puns "But it's still humerus as ever!" I laugh and Grillby chuckles. "Pay your tab, Sans," he says. Sans then awkwardly looks around and says "Welp, gotta go!" He then salutes and teleports away.

Grillby then pecks my forehead. "Want me to walk you home?" He offers. I smile and nod. "Yeah, I need a nightlight." He then smirks and picks me up bridal style before walking out the door and all the way to the lab.

Undertale : Ghost 2 (GrillbyxReader Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now