Chapter 12

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Today was the day.

What day?

The day Joon has finally decided to confess his feeling to Koko. He felt that there was no better time than the present. It had already been two months since she had moved in with him and he was ready to confess.

Now, he wasn't head over heels for her. He just had a small crush, so if he got rejected, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

"Koko, I need to talk to you." Joon stood in front of the tv that Koko was playing a movie on. "It'll be quick. Like, not too quick, but quick enough."

Koko furrowed her eyebrows. "Alright..."

"I, uh, I like you. Like, not a lot, just a small crush. If you reject me, then I won't be heart broken. Just may have to move out so it doesn't get worse." Joon laughed, obviously joking.

Koko gave him a simpathetic smile. "You won't be heart broken?"

Joon's face dropped. "No, I won't, but-"

"I'm sorry." Koko said. "I just... don't feel that way about you. I may have had a tiny little crush awhile ago, but now I don't feel that way. I'm really sorry, Joon."

Joon smiled, but it was fake. He nodded, even though he really didn't understand.

"I-I think I'm gonna, uh, actually, uh, really move out."

"What?!" Koko exclaimed. She sat up in her spot on the couch. "I thought you were joking?! You said it was a smal crush!"

Joon walked to his room, shutting the door. He grabbed a suitcase and started to pack his things.

He didn't know why he was leaving so suddenly, he just felt he had to.

Tae walked into the room, confused at the sight in front of him. "What are doing?"

"I'm leaving." Joon said as he stuffed more clothes into his suitcase. "Taeko rejected me."

"But I thought it was just a small crush?!" Tae went over and shut the dresser drawer.

Joon sighed, running his hand over his face. "I thought so too, but do you really think my feelings won't grow stronger if I stay here?"

"If this is what you really want," Tae shook his head. "Then I guess you're gonna do it. I can't stop you."

Joon zipped up the suitcase. He stood up and opened the handle. "You're right. You can't."

He made his way through the bedroom door and to the living room. Koko was waiting by the front door when he got there.

"So this is how it ends?" Koko asked, still unsure of what was happening. "Just abruptly, quickly?"

Joon pulled her into one last hug, savoring the moment with her. As soon as he let go, he twisted the door handle. "This is how it ends."

With that, he walked out the door, down the stairs, and right down the sidewalk.

Tae cleared his throat. Koko turned around and met his eyes. "What just happened?"
The next few days were weird without Joon around. Koko always wondered about him. Where he went, if he even had a place to stay.

But as days went by and weeks, as well, things started to become normal again. Just now it was all without Joon.
omg so sad

theres an epilogue :)

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