Chapter Nineteen

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"GET UP, TALIA," Nicos groaned, once again. He'd been calling my name for the past ten minutes, but I refused to acknowledge him whatsoever. I covered my ears between my soft, plush pillows, drowning out his loud, obnoxious voice. Just as I had been succumbing into the grasps of my beauty sleep, his words echoed through the walls.

"Talia, come on. You haven't left your room in three days,"

Drowsily, lifting my cheek from my pillow, I grabbed the pillow underneath my face and aimed it at his face. Much to my dismay, his quick reflexes had been the reason he was able to dodge my weak, uncalculated blow. "I don't care."

"So thats it, huh? You're just going to sit here and mope around for the rest of your life?"

I closed my eyes and snuggled back into my bed, sighing when the warm bed sheets cocooned around my body. "Precisely."

Nicos scoffed, "This isn't the Talia I knew. Whatever, I'm leaving,"

Nicos threw the pillow back on my bed, leaving the room in a haste and slamming the door shut behind him. The loud bang of the door caused my eyelids to flutter wide open. I sighed, lifting my sluggish body off the bed and leaning my body against the head board. I stared holes into the walls, and had decided that it was time for me to get up from my bed. 

Slipping my feet onto the cold tiles, I sighed and mumbled underneath my breath, "Why'd you have to go all soft on me, Nicos?"

Grabbing a fresh towel from the closet, I entered the bathroom and started the shower.  I had begun stripping off the pieces of clothing on my body until I was bare. I turned the shower all the way to the left and had set it to a scorching level of heat. Just the way I liked it.

Were my thoughts visible they would be an inverse explosion, crazy chaotic turns and twists of light all coming together to just one idea, to just one word. 


Though they spun in a way that appeared without design or logic, they always danced their way back to love, more specifically, the man I loved.

My wolf had been silenced ever since we had left Kyros' property. Her mindless stirring and unease rendered my body weak, thus causing me waste away between the confines of my bed. Even then, as I had been showering, my wolf refused to speak, or even utter a single word. I didn't bother trying to talking to her anyways, I knew she'd never heal from the open wound that Kyros had sliced through her.

Seven days.

It had been seven days since I'd last seen him. 

I turned off the shower lid, and exited the shower. I wrapped the towel around my body, and turned to look at myself in the mirror. Since I'd met Kyros, a natural glow had blossomed on my face. And since I'd left, the glow had vanished. I was greeted with puffy eyes and rosy cheeks from how red I got when I cried. I looked away from the mirror, not wishing to stare at myself any longer. 

I headed to my navy blue suitcase, that sat upon the floor, situated right by my empty closet. I hadn't unpacked my suitcase - and I didn't really want to. I zipped the lid open and and had begun searching for something to wear, throwing the ones I didn't like to the side.

"No, no, no," I mumbled after I threw each and every outfit I deemed un-wearable to the side. None of it was right. Nothing was right anymore. In the midst of my hysteria, I had gave away to the enormity of my grief. My breathing was ragged, gasping and the strength left my legs. I sank to my knees and lifted my hands to my face, sobbing into them. 

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