Dance Moms Season 8 One Shot

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A/N: This one shot takes place during Episode 12.
Gianna's POV
It was supposed to be an awesome day. We were doing the Angry Birds 2 collab today. All the girls and Brady were excited all day. We came in the dressing room and I though that the two duets were great. Of course, there was a technical issue here, a timing issue there, but I thought it was good. Abby didn't. The door didn't even close behind me before Abby started.

" The duets were horrible! They were an embarrassment to my company! That's it, I'm leaving,".

Abby leaves and I don't know where she's going, but I don't follow. Panic rises within me as I realize what's happening.

"You're not going to chase after your little friend," asked Joanne.

I shake my head no as I realize I'm having a panic attack. I haven't had one in years.

"Get...get.. dressed...ready for the group," I stutter.

Ann comes over to me and helps to calm down a bit when the kids went and got changed.

Once the kids are ready, I rehearse the dance with them.

Ann's POV
Despite Gianna calming down, she still looks on edge as the dancers practice. Then she begins looking a bit pale and so I'm not completely shocked when she rushed out the door without a word. I look at Trisha and we follow Gianna together, to the bathroom.

"I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this get it together save your tears for the pillow," Gianna rambles as we catch up to her.

I immediately pull her into a hug.

"Breath, you need to breath Gianna. You're okay, it's okay," I comfort.

Trisha offers Gianna a drink of water.

"I can't believe she left," is all Gianna could say.

A few minutes later, Gianna speaks up again.

"We have to go back,".

"If you want," I reply.

We walk to the dressing room, pausing before entering.
" Alright dancers, line up. It doesn't matter what's happened already today. I've been on this show since the beginning, and you signed up for drama. Get out there and do the best you can," Gianna encourages.

Everyone heads to the stage.

Sarah's POV
"Is Gianna okay?" I asked as we walked towards the stage.

"It looked like she was having a panic attack," Hannah replied.

" Whatever it was, I think my mom and Ann handled it. We just have to worry about this dance," Brady said.

Gianna's POV
The dance was amazing.

They won!

I cried and hugged Ann when it was announced.

I'm so proud.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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