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Rose Weasley was packing her trunk for Hogwarts while all of a sudden the was a small tapping noise coming from her window. She walked over and found a barn owl and a snowy owl perched on here ledge. Opening the window she wondered who sent the owls because nobody but, the school sends owls over the summer.

She took the letters and sent the owls away. The first letter stated:

Dear Miss Weasley,

We are pleased to announce that you are chosen to be the perfect for Gryffindor this year.

There will be a meeting every other Saturday.

Thank You,

Headmistress McGonagall

Squealing with excitement she burst out of her room yelling, "Mum Mum I was chosen to be prefect this year!" "That's great Rosie! You know your father and I were prefects too." "Mum are you saying I should date the other prefect or prefects" I reply air quoting prefects. "Maybe", She says smirking. "Mum!" I groan. She just laughs shaking her head.

I walk back up forgetting all about the letter from the snowy owl.

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