(6) Damsel

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Roman shook his hands to get the blood flowing again. His hands always cramped up when he wrote too much. A bit of a drawback for someone so creative, but he dealt with it. He sat back in his chair, re-examining his notes.

Inferiority Complex

Avoidant Personality Disorder.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Increased Sensitivity, Craving Attention, Aggressive Behaviour and Easily Feeling Disrespected are also signs of an Inferiority Complex.

Occurs when feelings of inferiority are intensified through discouragement or failure.

He sighed, twirling the pen in his hand as he formulated what he was going to write next. Note taking was Logan's style, not his. Besides, 80% of what he found was probably inaccurate, simply because his version of research was Google. Still, he never broke a promise, and he promised to help. The pen touched paper once again.

If this is what Remus has, then maybe his feelings of Inferiority start with me? He's uncomfortable whenever he sees me, so -

Roman stopped writing. He was sounding more like Logan by the minute. Creativity and Logic weren't that different, really. Both used information to come to a conclusion. Creativity was a much looser and more interesting version of Logical thinking. Still, Roman didn't like blurring the lines.

"That's pretty much it."

Roman jumped out of his chair, sword drawn, to see a fairly disinterested Virgil examining his notes. Roman gave an annoyed grunt.

"Oh look, it's Virge. What's the scoop, Purple Day?"
"Remus is. You pretty much got him nailed."

Roman looked back at his scarce notes. "You sure? I really didn't do much."
Virgil shrugged. "Well, from what I know of him, it all seems pretty correct."
He tapped the creamy scroll-like paper knowingly. "You left out the social withdrawal, though." He frowned. "It that a feather quill?"
Roman scoffed. "You're being ridiculous, he's not asocial! Did you forget the entire 45 minutes he spent annoying us?"
"Tell me one time that he functioned like a normal human in a social situation," Virgil stated plainly. Roman opened his mouth confidently, then closed it as he realised the truth in Virgil's words. He gave a slight smile.
"You see? He doesn't know how to act when in a conversation, so he just goes off the rails to forget his awkwardness and get everyone to leave."

Roman faltered slightly. "Even so, that's not withdrawal. That's just... not knowing any better."
Virgil raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, don't get your skirt in a twist, Miss Muffet," he remarked, annoyed. He went to push past him, but Virgil grabbed his arm before he could.

"Hold on a second, there, Princey. I've got exposition for you first."
"What? Why? Isn't that usually Logan's job?"
"I dunno, because. I think it's supposed to help with Remus or something."
"Still cant see why you're doing it."
"Because of my tragically sad and relatable past, alright? Now siddown."
"Ugh, fine."

Roman sat back in his chair. Virgil curled up on the bed in front of him, sighing. Clearly this exposition was heavy.

"This is almost exactly what happened when I split from the Dark Sides. Now, I know that look on your face, but I won't let you interrupt. Deceit... he has his issues. All of the others do, I do, but he... is an interesting case. When he's angry, and I mean really pissed off, he goes quiet. It's almost like... picking a target. Choosing who to scapegoat, and constructing a devastating attack in his mind. It happened to me. He knows exactly what to say to you... everything you hate, even if you don't know you hate it. It... hurts. A lot. His words... they worm their way into you, and you cant get rid of them, no matter how hard you try. Suddenly, every insult, every time someone openly dislikes you... it gets to you way more than it should. Even stuff that happened in the past, stuff that didn't affect you before suddenly makes you feel more hollow. It's like... it's proving his point. When he did that to me... everything I already felt got worse, plus everything piling on top, and I just-"

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