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Kotaro said we are sleeping over at Akaashi's house because he thinks he is lonely. IM MENTALLY PREPARING MYSELF! I don't mind though.

"Y/n LETS GOOOO!" I hear my brother yell from downstairs.

"COMING IDIOT." I jump down the stairs almost dying and walk out the door.

We walk for a few minutes to a nice house. Kotaro knocked on the door. Akaashi answered it and held the door open.

"Hey." I say while entering.

"Hey." He says back. He spoke back to me!


It was about 3 am and Kortaro is asleep on the couch. I smack his head to make him stop snoring. He kept snoring and just layer on the floor. Then I blacked out.

Dream Land
He insulted it into me making me groan and moan. He chuckled and carried me to a bed. He carefully placed me into it then pinned me to it. The figure-


I woke up to a new room. I already new it was Akaashis because a volleyball uniform was hanged up.

I see a Akaashi towering over me while lying down. He noticed I woke up and payed by me.

"Why did you carry me to your room?" I ask to break the silence.

"It's rude to let someone sleep on the floor." He said back while looking at the ceiling.

"Y/n-San get some sleep, it's 4 in the morning." Akaashi said while putting the covers on me. They were warm and comfy. I blacked out again.

Akaashi pov

She fell asleep in my bed. MY BED. A cute girl in my bed. My dad must be proud of me now.

I couldn't fall asleep, thoughts kept me up. Y/n-San started to stir in her sleep mumbling stuff. She then rolled over making her face nuzzle my chest.

I freak out but calmed down after I thought of the situation. She kept moving her head getting comfy on my chest. I puff out a deep breath and wrap a arm around her. Bringing her close for me to warm her body.

She wrapped around my body making me feel all warm in all kinds of places. NO KEIJI! DONT THINK OF THAT, THATS RUDE! I shake off all the thoughts and slowly became unconscious.

Bokuto pov

I woke up at 8am to piece and quiet. I don't see anyone anywhere. I stand up stretch and make my way to Akaashis room. I open the door as quiet as I can trying not to disturb anyone.

My eyes were blessed, Akaashi looking happy and not serious for once and my sister koala hugging him. I snap some pics on my phone. I chuckle and send it to Kuroo.

"I ship it." I mumble while closing the door and exiting his house.

There was a ding and I check my phone.

OYA 1- No way!!!!

OYA 2- It was this morning bro

OYA 1- Now Kenma needs someone

I put my phone away and chuckle at the thought of Akaashi and Y/n. But I stop in my tracks.

This mother fing dude better not hurt her.


I woke up in warm arms of someone. I move a part of my hair from my face to hear a voice.

"Morning." I instantly sat up.

"G-good M-m-morning." I felt the heat in my face. I sat back to the guy with curly hair. His hair was messy and in his face.

"Sorry I kinda cuddled you and kinda stepped your boundaries." I say getting up.

"It's fine, I didn't mind." His morning voice is so hot.

"How long were you awake?" I ask he ruffles his hair.

"About 15 minutes." He stood up fixed his bed.

"Why didn't you move me?" He sat on his bed and looked at me.

"Because you slept so peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you and stuff." THIS DUDE CARES ABOUT ME SLEEPING AND NOT WAKING ME UP! MARRY ME DADDY

"Well I gotta go home or my mom might lock me out." I say and he said his goodbye and I left.


When she left the house, I locked the door and placed my back on it sliding down. My hands were on my face. Why is it so warm?

I'm having a emotional attack of feelings. Oh my lord.


I check my phone it's from Bokuto.

I open it and it's a pic of Y/n and I sleeping. And a caption.

Boku- I ship it
Aka- Why do you have this
Boku- Hurt her and you will deal the pain of her being sad. Her mood swings are worst then mine.


I reply

Aka- I wont and we are just friends.
Boku- I ship it. Now do the couple stuff
Aka- We aren't a couple Bokuto
Boku- If you become on you have my blessing

He is not serious right? I stood up and continued my day.

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