Chapter 2

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"Emalie, Emalie"

A voice eochoed through my head, I was wearing a blue dress and I was eating a cupcake, Emerson was beside me eating choclate and there was a cat, he was white and purple, sitting across from me.


Something shoved me, hard.


Then reality hit me, I was dreaming, I rolled over and look up to see my bestest friend in the whole world, Emerson Jaks.

“What time is it?” I yawned and stretched looking at the clock

Emerson Tapped her foot impatiently “Its 8:45 if you must know, we leave in thirty minutes for the airport.”

Startled I jumped out of bed, “Holy Fudge Nuts!!!!! Why didn’t you wake me earlier!?!?”

“I tried” She sighed

Running into the bathroom I took a minute to examine the clothes I had laid out the night before, Faded ripped skinnies with a crop top black and white tiger shirt and of course my bright blue converse.

I threw on my clothes and brushed my teeth before emerging from the bathroom.

“We have exactly 21 minutes, now sit down so I can do your hair” Emerson fiddled with the my blue Conair Curling Iron

As I sat down she grabbed the brush and smoothed out my hair, then began her magic.

I never knew how she did it, she was good. I was good to but she did wonders, she was always there to make sure I looked my best, she claimed its what best friends do.

“Are you all packed? You didn’t forget your blanket did you? Emerson questioned

Coming back to reality I thought over what she said, we have friendship blankets. Most people have necklaces or bracelets, but that nothing, they break or get lost because they’re so small. No me and Emerson used our creative minds and decided to make tie dyed blankets with ours names, what a bracelet when you’re cold? With a blanket its sure not to get lost and its perfect to snuggle with.

“Of course I remembered why I wouldn’t?” I replied

Emerson just smiled, “Just checking, and there you’re hair is perfecto!”

I laughed at her fail of a French accent, “Time?”

She gasped, checking her watch, “Oh my god. We have five minutes to get downstairs.”

She reached on my vanity and snatched half my lip gloss pile and stuffed it in her purse, looking up at me she said,” what are you standing around looking at me for!? Grab your stuff!”

Grinning I hauled both blue zebra suitcases downstairs while Emerson grabbed my two duffle bags, hey with two weeks in the Bahamas I need all my stuff, Im a princess after all.

The ride to the airport was festive, everyone was tired. But we tried to make the best of it,  to my dads dismay my mom turned the music all the way up, blasting the radios current song, Nicki Minaj. Me and Emerson were jumping in the back seat.

Singing along to the radio gave everyone a good vibe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2012 ⏰

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