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Two Years Later
"Jungkook, I'm going out." Koko told her housemate. "I can't be here any longer with my dimwit brother and his girlfriend."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and nodded. "They're annoying. But have fun while you're out."

Koko put her shoes and jacket on then walked out the door. It was starting to get a little chilly outside. Not too much where it was unbareable, but enough to where it was more comfortable with a jacket.

She walked down the sidewalk towards the cafe down the street. Whenever she was trying to get out of the house and away from Tae and his girlfriend, she always went there.

She opened the door to the cafe, the familiar scent of coffee hitting her nose and the little ding of the bell on the door like music to her ears. She ordered her usual hot chocolate and sat down at a table.

Looking out the window was always her favorite thing to do. She never used he phone in the cafe unless it was an important text or call. The scenery was just too beautiful. She was cut from her thoughts when a voice was heard from beside her.


Koko looked over and almost lost her breath at the person in front of her.

Joon and Koko ended up talking for awhile, her occasionally sipping on her hot choclate.

"I've actually got a girlfriend now." Joon said.

Koko smiled. "Really? I'm so happy for you! Is she nice and pretty?"

"Of course," Joon started. "she's the best. Always there during my ups and downs, taking care of me. I'm so lucky to have her."

"She sounds like a wonderful person." Koko nodded.

"What about you?" Joon asked. "Have you found anyone yet?"

Koko shook her head. "Sadly, no. I've been too busy with school and my part time job. I don't have time for a relationship."

"Did you ever think about me?" Joon diverted his gaze away from her. "I mean, like, after I left."

"All the time. I wasn't aure if you had a place to stay or not. I wondered that if I wouldn't have rejected you, if we would still be housemates." Koko admitted. She still never caught thise feelings for him, but she did think about him.

"I had a friend who let me stay with them." Joon told her, making her feel a little more relieved that he wasn't homeless after he left. "They had a house not too far away from the apartment."

"I'm glad you're doing well and that we got to catch up, but I actually have to get going. Would you want to exchange numbers?" Koko suggested, getting up to leave.

Joon smiled. "Sure."

thank you to everyone who has read this crazy stoopid book and i give you props if you made it to this point and are reading this

i swear this thing turned into a soap opera

ik it felt like i was rushing it and maybe i was a little bit
but overall i didnt want this book to be long
the chaps got shorter because i didnt have enough for one chap all the time and i was just throwing shit around so i felt like making shorter chaps as well as book and getting straight to the point in each chap made me feel more confident in this book
i really like how it turned out in the end too


im also gonna thank all of you who read this once again because this is my first completed book and i really enjoyed writing it more towards the end

this book is completed and this is the epilogue but im going to to a short little extra details chap to end this off so please enjoy that and the final goodbye to this book will be on there :)

Because That's My Sister •{Kim Namjoon}• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now