Punching bag

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Vanti slowly walked to Brock's office. He was gonna be so pissed, Vanti couldn't kill him. He couldn't kill the guy so he let him go, but.. Delirious was watching him in the shadows and told Brock. "I'm gonna die" He muttered as he stood in front of the door. He felt a hand land on his shoulder and quickly turned to see who it was. "Keep movin Evan" Nogla said and opened the door for him. Vanti teared up as Nogla pushed him inside. Brock was sitting in his chair smoking a cigarette. When he saw Vanti come in, he took it out and blew out smoke. "Hello.. Vanti" He said plainly and got up. Nogla closed the door and locked it. Vanti felt himself shaking as he held onto the bottom of his jacket and looked down. "H-hello sir" He said stuttering a bit out of fear. Brock tsked and puffed out smoke again. "Vanti vanti vanti" He said and walked towards him. "What's our number one rule?" He now started circling him. "N-never show fear" Vanti said quietly. Brock growled and pushed his cigarette into Vanti's cheek. Vanti hisses out in pain. "That's rule number two, What's rule number one?" Brock said louder and took out a new cigarette. "A-always k-kill the target!" Vanti said and started crying. "That's right" Brock said lighting the cigarette. "But what did you do today?" Vanti winced when Brock blew smoke in his face. "I-I d-didn't k-kill the target..." he muttered.  Brock pulled his hair and made him face up towards him. "I couldn't hear that. What did you do today?" He pressed the cigarette to his neck. "I didn't kill the target!!" Vanti screamed out, tears running down his face as he felt the burn.

Brock let his hair go and took out a full box of cigarettes. "As punishment, you'll have cigar burns all over your body." He pulled out a knife and opened the pack with it. "And I mean everywhere"

Trigger warning! Skip if you don't wanna read it. Is about to get nasty in here.

Nogla tied Vanti's leg's part and used Brock's shirt to tie up his hands. Next Nogla ripped Vanti's sleeve Jacket and gagged him. Vanti watched, shaking when Brock lit the first cigarette. He took a long drag out of it and looked around on Vanti's body. He blew out the smoke and pressed it against his stomache. Vanti cried out as Brock pressed it hard. He kept it there for a long time and tossed it at his face. Vanti shut his eyes. 'This is what I get for not following orders'  he thought to himself and watched as Brock took out another cigarette, but before Brock did anything he looked at Nogla. Vanti followed his eyes and realized Nogla was filming the whole thing! Vanti never felt so ashamed. Brock shrugged and lit up the second cigarette. He took a long drag and blew it right in Vanti's face again. Brock was trying to make Vanti addicted to the smell. Vanti coughed again, but instead of burning it on his stomach or somewhere on his upper body, he turned Vanti over to his backside.

Vanti's eyes widen as he shook his head at him. "You don't make the rules do you? Take your punishment in the ass." Brock said sternly as he grabbed his ass and split them apart. Brock got a good look at his puffed and puckered out pink hole. "How cute" he muttered and pressed the cigarette right on it. Vanti screamed into the gag as he told Brock to stop only for it to be muffled by the gag. His tears soaking into the cloth as more kept running down his face. "An appropriate reaction" He said. "Let's keep going shall we?" Brock then starts unzipping his pants.


Vanti curled into a ball in the corner of Brock's office. "Don't be a baby." Brock said as he put his pants back on. "Didn't it feel good?" He smirked and went to his desk. Nogla who was off to the side was uploading the video to his instagram. "Yer gonna be super famous Evan" He said and smiled at him. "Yer a slut" Nogla turned away. Vanti then looked at his arms and legs. Riddled with cigar burns, he covered his mouth as he started crying again. He felt so violated being forced open and getting fucked in the ass liked that. Vanti slowly started smiling, tears still running down his face and onto his arms and legs. The worse part is, he enjoyed all of it.

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