The Girl With The Colored Braces

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The rest of the day went by smoothly. I hung out with Louis, Violet and their other friends at the hideout, and even ate with them at lunch after he bought me a lock from the concession stand. He ended up taking me home after school and we exchanged numbers, and we've been talking constantly.

On Tuesday I had already gotten really close with Louis and his friends, but mostly him and Violet. And although I didn't see them as much because of our seperate schedules, at lunch Louis invited me to a 'party' on Wednesday, it was just a small get together with me and with his other close friends.

Or at least it was supposed to be.


As soon as I got out of his car I dashed inside, the house was empty. Perfect. I raided the fridge and heated up a slice of leftover pizza while I got ready for the party. I took a quick shower and got re-dressed, (I put on a white v-neck button up with black pants) then attempted to make my hair actually look presentable but I ended up just throwing on my hat.

After rushing and nearly falling down the stairs because I heard the microwave go off, my phone goes off.

"Hello?" I answer, not aware of who I just answered to.

"Hey Clem-Gem, I hope you don't mind but I couldn't pick you up, so I got a cab for you."

"Lou, why? I could've taken public transit."

"You don't know my address you stalker!" He laughs and his voice vibrates through my phone. I can't help but cackle a bit myself.

"Just be there, Orange." I can feel his smile through the phone.

"I will, see you later alligator."

"See you in the slobs, Bob."

The phone cuts off as I dig into the greasy but heavenly food you call pizza. After I finished my food, I walked back upstairs and put on some black flats and diamond earrings. I slung an old, small bag over my shoulders and went on my way.

And just as I exited my house and locked the door-- the cab arrived, what perfect timing.

This was going to be fun.


"Glad you can make it Clemmy Ma."

"Did you just flip my name around to make it like Remy Ma?"

"No, I certainly have not. I totally haven't caught you listening to her albums, and I totally thought you wouldn't catch wind of the joke."

"You are an asshole in your own light. Cute."

"Not as cute as you." We both blush as he helps me into his.. house? If you could even call it that. I tried to hold in my excitement, but I'm pretty sure I let out an audible "Woah."

He closes the door behind me as we both walk to his living room, which was jam-packed with familar faces. We were having a great time, drinking punch and playing truth or dare as more people gradually started to show up. Nobody really minded though, everybody who came, friend or not, was chill and minded there own business.

Half-way into the night at around eight o'clock, Louis decides to make it into an actual party and play some music because so many people were arriving. Still, no one truly cared. We were all having so much fun, despite the fact that the house was crowded.

As tensions rose and beats dropped, I ended up dancing with Louis. We ended up dancing very explicitly but once again, nobody cared and we were getting closer and having fun.

Then, a girl, with wheat colored skin, silky brown hair, and twinkling brown eyes shows up. She cuts off of the music and starts walking towards me. I stopped dancing because people were getting concerned and Louis himself was getting nervous. I didn't understand what was happening.

I could hear whispers from the crowd among us.

"Erin!? I thought she was gone.."

"Isn't that Louis's ex?"

"Didn't she move away?"

"This won't end well..."

"That snake is back!"

She grabbed my forearm and held it tightly, and before I could even begin muster anything out of my mouth, she looks me, and opens her mouth, and exhales, I can see that she has pastel colored braces.

"Get off of my man."

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