It's Important!!!

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Me: Well...uh

Rin: Just get on with it!

Me: okay okay...hmph.

Hey my awesome cuties! I decided to present a challenge.

Rin: I wouldn't necessarily call it that.

Me: shut up!

Anyway. The challenge is quite simple. In the chapters I recently brought out, I placed at least one or two hints on what would happen in the future.

So whoever can connect the dots, gets a present!

Rin: Which is?

Me: I will answer any question they ask me. You could ask how the story ends, but unfortunately would not love it as such as others when it does come to a close. Anyway, byeeeee!

And remember, it can be anything.  A small fact to add a great twist. Anything.

Out she came in... Naruto *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now