Episode 1 //פרק 1

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Two years ago Amanda 16-year-old girl was run over by a truck She has other special powers. How did she survive this serious accident without any treatments? No one believed she just started shouting at every expression she would believe her but no one listened she went back the next day to explain to them again and then took Uzza to a place of crazy people they thought she was crazy and since then she is screaming and hoping they will believe her ... Until at night, Amanda felt unwell, she cried out in pain and suddenly Amanda got into another world she didn't understand where she was, she screamed for help and suddenly a bunch of boys came out of the bushes and kidnapped Amanda. These boys are called the Lost Boys ... that Amanda wakes up she sees those kids who kidnapped her and next to them their master who looks like their age Peter Pen Amanda doesn't understand what's going on and Peter Pan explains to her what's going on here, he tells her she has
special powers and he needs

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