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The overhead clouds began to billow, thunder echoing in the distance. A taxi stopped before the disheveled pathway that led uphill to a pair of large iron-wrought gates. Stepping out of the vehicle, a figure carrying a small sack of personal belongings stared out through the twisted metal at what lay before it. A giant castle-like building which seemed to glow against the dark backdrop of the night sky. Carefully shutting the door of the car, the taxi sped off as they made their way up the winding path.

The gates, as if knowing the arrival of the new guest, let out a sharp creak and screeched open. Struck with awe and fear, the figure stood at the open gates unmoving. Behind, a bush rustled loudly and a crow burst out from the greenery cawing loudly. Startled by the crow, they fell backwards and the sack burst, scattering its contents over the battered dirt ground. Around them the wind began to pick up and one of the items, a clipping from a newspaper with a photograph printed on, started to flutter. It whirled around, dancing in the breeze until finally caught by a bruised hand. Clutching the photograph and the rest of their belongings, they made their way through the open gates.

The clouds darkened and rumbled, preparing to release its downpour of the season. A welcome sight for the parched earth and unkept bushes. As the first few drops of rain began to fall, the figures pace began to quicken. Ahead of it, two pillars rose in front of a pair of large, wooden doors. Intricate patterns lined the frosted windows, where a soft golden light peeked out of. Grabbing the brass door knocker, they prepared to knock when the door lock clicked and swung open. Behind the door a bright young face appeared, the girl smiled and beckoned the figure inside.

"It's about time you arrived, we have been waiting for you."

The girl held out a hand.

"I'm Emma, and welcome to Oletus Manor. You are?"

The figure took off her damp red head scarf, revealing brunette hair streaked with white. She looked at Emma with her brown eyes and took her hand, shaking it gently.

"Nice to meet you Emma, but perhaps we could wait with introductions? I might like to wash first."

Emma grinned and nodded. She led the way into the heart of the mansion, the rain beating down on the tiled roof above.


can you guess who it is?

hint: I uh... dont know their name :)

ok bye now

edit: its Demi Bourbon :>

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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