Changing perspective

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A/N: I have nothing to say at the moment, but I hope you enjoy this next chapter.


Niall stared out the window watching the rain drop descend.

"Niall?" Annoyance seeped through his tone.

"Mr. Malikson?" Jason carter the ancient cynical math teacher shouted louder. He took his ruler and hit the chalk board with force.

Niall jumped turning his attention to the teacher.

"Nice if you to completely join us" he replied sarcastically.


Niall kept his head down as he traveled to his locker. The deprecating actions of carter left Niall with a overwhelming feeling. He angrily wiped at the tears in his eyes.

He wasn't going to cry.

"You Good ni?" Harry asked placing a hand on his back.

"Yeah, fine" Niall replied somewhat distantly as he pushed through the crowded hallway to his next class.


One more class

One more hour

One more dull lesson to attempt to listen.

"You can do this ni"

"You've got this"

"Just one more hour"

Each statement was said as an endeavor to soothe his anxiety. Niall stares at the board doing his absolute best to keep his attention on his teacher, but he honestly couldn't help his wandering mind.


"Niall Malikson  would you care to share your thoughts?" Mrs. Deborah Jacobs the other pessimist asked.

Niall took a deep breath. He knew as well as she did that he wasn't paying attention. Of course she had to call him out...

"Uh no thank you" Niall managed to stay without stuttering his words.

'20 more minutes ni.... that's it' he thought bitterly.


Harry knew better than to even believe Niall when he said he was fine.

"That's a total line of crap, and you know it" Harry crossed his arms

"You want to know what's wrong? Everything okay? Everything is wrong! I'm still in this blasted wheel chair... I can't walk.... I can barely focus for longer than 30 minutes in class, and those brainless people can't even cut me just a little slack! To top it all of my parents are treating me like I'm freaking glass! I'm tired of being seen as the self destructed boy. I'm just tired!" Niall nearly shouted running a hand through his hair in frustration.

He could feel the eyes on him as tears began to flow from his face. He just wanted to run, and hide. Niall quickly pushed himself out of the school.

He really needed a break.

'I'm going for a walk... be home before lunch' hitting send as he made his way down the path.


Blotchy, red faced, thin cheeked blonde hair was his reflection.

His reflection didn't have a name. It didn't come with the ruins of a past. It was simply some invisible existence.

It all seemed like some perfect fantasy. If only this fantasy could become a reality. Maybe then he would have an escape. A place to run, and be exactly what he had created in this dream.


Hours had passed, and Niall still wasn't home. Fear gripped there heart. Niall wasn't in the best place at the moment, and they just couldn't shake their feelings.

"Maybe we should go look for him?" Louis asked.

"I'll go" Zayn offered grabbing his keys, and heading to the car.


The drive was short but intense, and soon he spotted Niall at the lake staring at the water.

"Niall! What in the heck are you doing?!" Zayn screamed having a deja vu like feeling.

"What?" Niall looked up in confusion.

"You can't do this.... not again!" Zayn was overwhelmed with emotions.

"Is that seriously what you think I'm doing?! Your just like everyone else! watch Niall the suicidal freak! I can't just stare at the water? Why can't we just move on? Why can't you trust me?!" Niall snapped. His boisterous voice seeming to echo through the small forest like park.

"Honey that's not true... we have moved on. I do trust you buddy" Zayn tried to assure.

"If you truly trusted me, and had moved on then we wouldn't be having this conversation" Niall snapped walking down the path.

Trust was key, but it seemed like the only person who trusted him again was Harry.

Things seem to of deteriorated right in front of him, and he felt like the past was creeping up behind him, and he just felt trapped.


A/N: sorry this chapter took longer to update. Writers block is the worst... I hope you enjoy!

Do you agree with the way Niall reacted?

What about the two teachers?

As usual if you have any ideas or thoughts let me know. I'm always open to new ideas! Thanks for reading x-C

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