Jamal is my brother. He is very attactive long and has broad shoulders and black hair and brown eyes.
We were living in abeautiful house with three room. My brother and l are adjacent rooms on the second floor. I always hear his voice from my room.
Jamal has avery close friend their friendship began since childhood and until now is greater than the beauty of his age which is my age???? His name is Jad and he is tall like beauty with yellow hair and blue eyes.
Always come together and sit in the room and Ihear their words and laugh at the sound of laughter. We were playing together until the age of thirteen. At this age began to have feelings other than his childhood feeling and our Arab tradition prevents communication between the young man and the young woman only by law "marriage to the sunnah of Allah and His messenger and there is no love and dating because this is contrary the Islamicreligion.
Electronic love
RomanceIno longer bear the sense of puzzlement between remorse and joy. When l was young l heard the word,"you are for this person"ldid not like this word until the age of twenty. This novel talks about the life of agirl in certain circumstances and wha...