✨Chapter Four✨

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Edited 4/21/20

Christina and I sat in the back of the class and talked until Ms. Jackson came in. When she did, the entire class got quiet. She spoke timidly, "Hello class, I do believe we have a new student joining us. Devyn Walters?" she checked her roll, making sure to say my name correctly.

"Yes ma'am" I answered.

"Would please stand up and say something about yourself?"

"Umm sure." I say standing up. "My name's Devyn but most people prefer to call me Dev. I like to wear this beanie because it makes me feel safe." I said looking down at the desk.

"Thank you Devyn. You may sit back down." I did. "Alright since this is the first day, do what you want just no PDA. We'll start actual class next class." She said. I was shocked. Normally teachers would go through the syllabus during this time. I wasn't complaining though.

I turned to Christina and started talking. We were in the middle of talking when someone walked in and slammed the door. "Ah, Mr. Mason! I see you decided to bless us with your presence today." Ms. Jackson said. He had a black leather jacket covering a white v neck tee-shirt with a pair of black jeans and boots. He had bad boy written all over him. And my screamed stay away so loud i figured the whole class could hear it.

"Oh my gosh! It's Kyle Mason." Christina whispered to me.


"Erik's best friend." I swear my jaw dropped. That was the Kyle Erikwas talking to?


"Yep" she said, popping the "p".

"Well, sit anywhere today Mr. Mason." Ms. Jackson said. "I'll be making a sitting plan over the weekend.

"My name is Kyle, not Mr. Mason. That's my father." He mumbled.

I started looking for an empty seat praying there wasn't one near me. Just my luck! Bad boy Kyle has to sit in front of me.

"Oh Scarface, don't act like you won't enjoy my presence." A deep male voice said to me.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?"I muttered.

"Yes you did." Chris said. Before I had a chance to say anything else, I was picked up out of my seat and put into the floor on my ass too! I looked up to see a smirking Kyle sitting in the spot I was just sitting at!

"Sorry but I just wanted to sit here and you were in my way." I groaned, got up, and sat down in the seat in front of Kyle.

Chris and I were silent. "Well, Candor, this is the longest I believe I have ever heard you go without talking. Congrats." Kyle purred at her. I glared long and hard at the asshole in front of me.

"Shut the hell up okay?" I growled, taking up for my only friend.

"Ooh is someone getting mad, Scar?"

I was about to respond when the bell rung. "Talk about being saved by the bell!"She cried.

"Yeah, can we just get to History?" I asked. She nodded and off we went.
The rest of the day went by pretty uneventful. Afterschool, I was in my room listening to Paradise Fears' song Battle Scars when I heard a car in the driveway. Aunt Valery was home. She walked in the house and asked if I wanted to go get Erik from football practice. I told her sure since I love to drive, I just never had the money for a car.

I pulled into the parking lot, sunglasses covering my eyes and scar. My hair was down and I looked nothing like I did earlier today at school. I felt someone staring at me; I looked up and saw the one and only Kyle Mason. He must've just gotten out of football practice. Apparently he noticed me looking at him because he regained himself and finally spoke up.

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