Chapter 7 - Lunchtime Drama

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Chapter 7 - Lunchtime Drama

"Liam!" I called as he walked down the hallway. He stopped and turned around to wait for me. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. He wasn't bleeding, but a bruise has formed. "What about you? He punched you twice."

"I'm okay," I said. "I should probably get some ice for my stomach, but Louis cleaned up my chin."

"If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have gotten beaten up in the first place." Liam stated.

"That's not true," I argued, "It's Zayn's fault not Louis'."

"Zayn came to talk to you because of Louis. You spilled your tray on him, so he beat you up. Louis saved you and you end up getting your butt kicked again for it. All because of Louis."

"He saved us, Liam."

"He saved us from a mess he created."

"Liam, you need to realize that Louis isn't the complete jerk you see him as!" I said, anger in my tone. "I know he betrayed you, but he helped me! Zayn wouldn't have stopped there if it wasn't for Louis."

"I helped you too! But you obviously only care about Louis." Liam said, walking away.

"Liam!" I said, but he just kept walking.

"Great," I mumbled to myself as I turned the other way to get my stuff for my first class.

* * *

»Louis' POV«

"Did you ever figure out who your tutor is?" Niall asked. Zayn sat there quietly, just eating his food. He was pissed at me and quite frankly I didn't give a shit. He beat up Harry for no reason, and then did it again because he got in trouble for it. That's bullshit.

I nodded in response to Niall. Eleanor and the girls weren't here yet, it was just Zayn, Niall and I so far.

"Well who is it?" Niall asked.

"Harry Styles." I said quietly.

Niall's eyes widened as he turned to Zayn. I watched him carefully too. His attention went from his food to us when he heard that.

"You're fucking kidding me right?" Zayn said, throwing his fork down on the table. "Is that why you turned your back on me?! Because that little fucking geek is your tutor now?"

"No, that's not why." I said sternly, trying to stay calm. "You beat Harry up for no reason, and I was there to clean up your mess."

"I didn't need you to clean up my mess! I wanted to leave him lying there on the ground! He deserved it."

"Do you know how crazy you sound?" I asked. God Zayn was so damn full of himself. "You went to talk to him. You stepped in front of him. You tripped him. It's your own fault he spilled on you."

"If I knew you were going to turn on me for your old friends you should've just fucking stayed with them."

"He's not an old friend." I said calmly. Liam was.

"Well he's best friends with Liam." Zayn said. "Your old friend, remember? You said you didn't want to be a nerd like Liam you said you wanted to be like me."

"I don't want to throw my fist at innocent people." I said getting up. I'm done here. I walked away from the table, Eleanor could live a day without me at lunch. I don't want to be a huge dick like Zayn. Yes, I like having all the friends I have and the attention of the school. But no, I don't want to be known as that jock that'll beat you up if you cross his path.

Liam walked down the hallway and I could see the bruise on his chin. Why would Zayn even punch Liam? He didn't do anything to him. He glared at me as he walked past.

"Liam," I said calmly as I followed him. I caught up to him, but he didn't look at me and continued to walk. "Liam, listen-"

"No!" Liam said, stopping in his tracks. "I don't wanna listen to some jerk like you! You have ignored me for two years and you never listened to me when I needed you! So just leave me alone."

"I just wanted to apologize." I mumbled.

"You shouldn't have waited two years to do that. Then maybe I'd listen." Liam spat, turning and continuing to walk.

How much better than Zayn was I if it took me two years to finally go up to Liam and tell him I was sorry. I never wanted to because I didn't feel sorry. Friendships end and I thought it was okay. I feel bad because two years later it's still bugging him. I did that to him.

* * *

When I woke up in the morning I texted Harry to let him know when I'd come by.

To: Harry

Is 6 o'clock okay?

I liked having it later in the day, because then I had the whole day to myself to plan and do whatever I wanted.

I got out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was home, but she left by 10 to go to work. Sundays and Thursdays were her days off.

"Good morning, Lou." my mom greeted me. "Are you meeting your tutor today?"

My mom and I were pretty close, meaning I told her a lot. I didn't see my dad that much, so I depended on my mom.

I nodded. "Well, I hope even though you're learning about Chemistry you still have a good time." she said, putting on her coat. "I made breakfast for you, it's in the microwave."

She kissed my cheek as she walked by. "I'll see you tonight. I love you."

"I love you too, bye." I said as she walked out the door.

My phone dinged as I pulled my food out of the microwave.

From: Harry

See you then!


I have so many ideas for this story right now :)

Hope you're loving it! And the frequent updates

-Amanda Styles [10/24/14]

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