Dear Mom

29 4 0

*playing Kaycee*

It's 6 a.m. the alarm clock is ringing, I turn it off. I stand up of my bed and go to the bedroom, I undo the bandage and disinfect the wound as Katie told me to do, it's already better and has a good aspect, so I decide to not put another bandage and let it air dry. I put my work outfit (the sports one) and go to the dinners next to my house.
-Hi Laura, can I have the usual ?
-Good morning KC, coming right now
Laura brings my coffee and my pancakes, I read the newspaper to see if something has changed but everything is the same. I look at the counter and notice a guy staring at me, so I decide to go after him.
-Can I help you ?
-I know you

The guy is about the same age as my mother, 52-53, and he continues staring at me with an arrogant smile

-Hum, okay, and you're...
-Jeff, Jeff Paulson at your service young lady
He stretched out his hand to shake mine and I replied
-Nice to meet you, but why have you been staring at me like that?
-It's a long story, are you ready to listen to?
I didn't want to be late for work but I wanted to hear the story he had to tell me
-Sure but what about we take lunch together, 12.30 p.m. , is it okay ?
-Of course !

I shakes his hand again and leave the dinners. What a strange guy. I know his name from somewhere but I can't guess where. Nevermind, I have other stuff to do like my job. I arrive at the boxing gym and unlock the front door, I turn the lights on and prepare the stuff.
12.45 p.m. , I'm waiting for Jeff at the dinners.
-Sorry, I'm late, I'd to settle some things
-Some things ?
My curiosity was my worst default, but it's stronger than me.
-That's why I'm here to talk. Let's start with the beginning. So as you see, I know you, maybe you've been thinking from where. Years ago, I met a gorgeous woman, she'd the most beautiful soul in the earth but she was depressed. She'd lost hope in life, she'd been beaten and had to let her daughter behind her to save her life, she told me it was her biggest mistake and still regretting that. Today, this woman is my wife and I'm your step-father.

My throat tightened after these words, I wanted to cry but I restrained myself
-My... my mom is alive and... she didn't take any news from me ?
-She wanted to but she was afraid of your reaction
Anger was rising to my head and I just wanted to punch everything in my way

I got up and left, everyone was watching me but I don't care, maybe she'd got beaten but she'd no courage to tell me face to face why she'd left without warning and without visiting me for years. I ran until my boxing gym and punched some bags. I'm angry with her attitude and I don't want to see her anymore.

8 p.m. , the night invades little by little the village, I'm walking on the street trying to forget everything but I can't. I return to my house and try to sleep, but it's impossible, I can't stop thinking of it. I have to see Katie, she can help me with that. Not today, it's late and she's probably sleeping. Tomorrow, yes, it's a good idea, and now, I have something else to do. I pick my sweet and go for a midnight jog to try to relax. Yeah I have my wound that hurts a little but my thoughts are stronger than that. I'm running next to the castle and see someone in the balcony. It's Katie ! I stop to run and throw a small rock on her window. She notices me and tell me to climb by the ivy. I arrive at the balcony and kiss her.
-Sorry to be here at this hour
-Don't be sorry, I'm happy to see my girlfriend that hadn't given me news all day long, what happened ? Again a stalker ? If you want I tell a bodyguard to post at your door house !
-Not, nothing like that and I'm sorry for hadn't give you any news. It was a busy day...
-Your face betrays you, and why are you up at this hour ?
-Okay I'm gonna tell you. This morning, a man was staring at me with insistance and I talked to him to know what was his problem. We'd lunch together and he revealed who he's. Andddd I discovered that he's my mom's husband
-Your mom's husband ?!
She was surprised and chocked when I announced this new
-Yeah, I had this reaction too at the beginning but after he told the whole story, anger invaded me and I yelled at him. So I went to a jog because I couldn't sleep and I realize now he didn't deserve my reaction targeted against my mom, but why ? Why now ? Why didn't she come to see me after all these years?
I felt a mix of sadness, incomprehension and anger
-You can't react like that, you're gonna feel guilty and I don't want you to be in this mood. Take time to think and whenever you're ready, go talk to your mother. I know what you endured but understand what she endured and maybe is enduring too. You're her daughter and she was afraid to let you in your father's hands but she couldn't make up her mind and preferred to not let her attitude reach you
-You're right, I'd been rude to her husband and I have to give her a second chance. I knew I could count on you.
She closed her eyes and smiled, I took her in my arms and we hugged for 20 Minutes at least.
-I have to go now, tomorrow is a new day
-You can spend the night here. I can cuddle you until you fall asleep
-How can I say no to this proposition ! Okay for this night, just because I like your bed
-And to be cuddled by me
We snickered and went to bed
-Can I take a look at your wound ?
-Yeah but thanks to you it's much better
I take off my T-shirt and she checks on it and constate it healed well
-See ! I have my private nurse too !
-And we can do it again
She looks at me with her sexy face, I can't resist and take her against me gently, her heart starts to beat quickly, I feel her breath near my mouth, I kiss her neck, she raises my head with her hands and lick my upper lip and push me against the bed, she puts herself above me and retire her nightgown, she ties my hands to the bed
-Wahoo ! New thing you wanted to experiment, and this lingerie is just so hot
-And not the last one, I have plenty ideas, the lingerie is exclusive for you, but do you want I take control this time ?
-Let's try, make me more horny !
She bands my eyes, takes my pants off, licks the V point and I struggle and take a deep breath, I've never be the one who doesn't take control of the situation.

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