I wake up and it was my wedding day TO DAY. they planned it. We all get off the plan and me and stormi go to the wedding place. Girls only. I pick out a dress. This was my dress
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This was stormis wedding dress
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*skip to the wedding*
I was walking down the isel while everyone was watching. I was so nervouse and I had my makeup like this >
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*that is what u look like now because u got older but u are only 14. And stormi is 1. The preacher says all the things yada yada yada and we decided to bring stormi on our honey moon. Now yall are like
It's yalls special moment
It should be hers too. Scince she is my darling sweet preciouse one of a kind angle. I'm not gonna be a parent that woops their kids ima just say plz don't do that nicely. And ima let my kids cuss. Y'all are just over there like
No😤 im not.
Okay? Okay!
Anywase we get back to our house and I get dressed into a gucci crop top that is white and sweatpants and I put stormi in this
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Stormi ^
*2 hours later*
Me and stormi wakeup from our nap and I put on my addidas outfit. I put stormi in this >
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I put her in her black shoes and tell Alex th at im going to the park with stormi he says okay. We leave.