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Izuku Midoriya, was born quirkless... or so he was told. Around the ripe age of 4 izuku did in-fact manifest his quirk. But after a horrible incident, his mother paid to keep this secret hidden.

Izuku was born a 'normal' child, like the rest of the 80% of the population, he had a quirk. At the age of 4 he developed his quirk, they called it temperature regulation, in basic definition he can change his body temperature. This quirk seemed harmless to his parents and doctor. He then became abnormal when he developed a second quirk shortly after the first. The quirk he developed has never been spoken about since he used it for the first time.

Inko begged the doctor to keep it a secret, he agreed and they wiped izuku's memory clean of ever having a quirk. Unknowingly crushing his dreams. Keeping both of the quirks from the child and society. They were far too dangerous for izuku's own good. So instead of getting praised for not one but two amazing quirks, he was disowned by the society he lived in, he quickly realized had no place.

Izuku's POV-

I woke up another morning to the dreading sound of my alarm clock, quickly hitting snooze before I got too annoyed at the god-awful blare. I yawned, slipping out of my covers, shivering as a cool gust of air hit my bare chest.

I threw on my uniform and brushed my teeth before I entered the kitchen to meet my mom. I opened my door as a sweet aroma filled my nose, I let out a long sigh as I walked up to my mom slightly hugging her waste.

"Mhh it smells good, thank you, mom" I smiled sweetly up at her as she smiled back patting my head and handing me a plate of steaming pancakes.

"Now, please hurry izuku. I don't want you to be late" she pointed the spatula she was holding in her hand at me and gave me a soft smile.

School... or hell... either way I hated it. Don't get me wrong, I love learning... I just can't help but hate my middle school, it's obviously filled with kids and quirks. Except for me the only student in my class that doesn't have a quirk. I get bullied for it and it sucks, but once I become a hero none of that will matter.

"Hey mom?" I tapped my fork on my soggy pancakes watching the sticky syrup get picked up and slowly bead back into the sweet fluff.

"What sweetie?" She sat down right in front of me at our 3 person table. I gave a quick glance to where my dad used to sit.

"When is dad coming back?" I was practically whispering, already anticipating the words that would come out of her pursed lips, she hated talking about my dad. A sigh escaped her mouth as she shook her head.

"Honey, I told you... I don't know." She looked at me with sad eyes and put on a fake smile, letting me know everything she does, she does it for me...

"Now you better get going" she got up and kissed my head taking my plate to the sink. I wiped my face and shoved my feet into my red shoes.

"Okay I'm leaving, I will see you after school" I smiled weakly and opened the door, by the time the spring air hit my face, I was off.

I stood in front of my junior high as I trembled, this happened everyday. Each day that went by made it harder for me to walk into that school. I was suffering in short terms.

"What the fuck are you doing you useless, quirkless, nerd" that voice boomed in my head, bouncing around and finally settling. Like every day, I would remember what he told me, I would remember my place. I would be caught dead before stepping out of those hand made barriers created by Kacchan.

"I-I um I'm sorry" I looked down as he walked right in front of me towering down on me, making sure I felt ever drop of worth I had left seep out.

"Better be" he growled, grabbing my face by the cheeks and pulling it up to his. Our faces were nearly inches apart making me nervous of what he might lash out and do. Right before he could beat me senseless, a crowd barged into the gates making their way towards class.

He let go and swiftly turned his back leaving me behind, again. Katsuki 'kacchan' Bakugo, enemy, rival, bully, whatever you want to call him. My only so called 'friend' in junior high, yes he acts like he hates me. Does he? Who knows...

Kacchan and I grew up together, growing farther and farther apart after year 4. Once I didn't get my quirk, and kacchan got his, he became overpowered with pride. He had every right to be in my eyes, he had an amazing flashy quirk. he deserved to have. He deserved power, and greatness, but of course only in my eyes.

I still believe that, because kacchan is just misunderstood, well expect by me, I understand him perfectly. It might seem pathetic but I can't help but only see the good in him, which clouds my judgement when he's mean to me. I will always stand up for him, even if it's wrong.

I let my head lay low as I shuffled into the school, making my way to my classroom slowly but surely. I entered with a bunch of whispers and giggles per-usual.

I sat down as the day went by painfully slow, getting teased here and there. It was like any other regular day, except kacchan seemed quieter than usual. He hasn't teased me since this morning. Maybe something was wrong? So like a normal person... I decided I would follow him home.

I was worried, he wasn't picking on me or anybody, which was very abnormal for him. He left the school as I lightly trotted behind him. He must have noticed because he stopped dead in his tracks, I slowly came to a halt as he turned towards me.

"What are you doing" my eyes went wide as I expected a 'nerd' or 'quirkless loser' or any kind insult. But nothing came. His head hung low as he glanced up at me, like he was.. ashamed?

"O-oh! Ka-kacchan! I-I'm sorry!" I chuckled awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck "I-i was- um- I was just w-walking home" I smiled as he huffed. He paused a few seconds before he spoke again...

"Um..deku?" His voice was soft, one that I haven't heard since that aphonic day.

Date: July 16th (a day after Izuku's birthday)
Katsuki-4 yrs old
Izuku-4 yrs old

"When are you going to get your quirk izuku?" Kacchan- Katsuki, Izuku's best friend asked lovingly.

"I-I don't know.. soon? Me and mommy are going to the doctors!" Young izuku stated jumping up and down in excitement.

"B-but kacchan?" The green haired toddler became sad, making the blonde feel for him.

"What's wrong?" His voice acting as a safe haven for the younger boy.

"I-if I don't have a quirk... will k-kacchan still love me?" Izuku went quiet and katsuki sighed, not before scooting closer to his best friend and pulling him into a hug.

"I will izuku"

"P-Promise?" Izuku cried into katsuki's shoulder.

"I promise that I will still love Izuku Midoriya even if he doesn't have a quirk" the blonde boy stated making the shorter boy tear up and hug his best friend even tighter.

A day after, izuku found out he had a quirk, he wanted so bad to tell his best friend, but he never did. He soaked in his own glory for about a week until he suddenly never recalled a memory of having one. He has always been quirkless in his mind... He has always been worthless.

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