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As summer was ending, the days were getting shorter and kids were getting ready to go back to school. With the Games over, Garrett and Elliott were left in a ponder to decide on what they were going to be doing that school year. Bombay had told them a few days prior that he'd been awarded a job at the Junior Games for the year to help plan the Junior Games for the year coming up. He'd spoken to a school there, an academy like Eden Hall, and they were willing to accept Garrett and Elliott to the school and allow them on the JV hockey team.

In the house on the warm summer day, Elliott and Garrett were half awake watching TV on the couch. They had both woken up near eight that morning and hadn't moved since. They were watching Boy Meets World on TV. Most of the summer they had spent their days in the house, whether it be watching TV, playing on the System, sitting in their rooms, or sleeping in until noon. They rarely went out because they had quite a bit to begin with and didn't need more. They did not hang around with friends because they didn't have too many for their lack of stepping a foot off the front porch.

The twins knew that kids from the Junior Games team who lived in Minneapolis and area were around to hang with if they wanted, however, the only one able to relate to the twins was Adam Banks. The threesome having wealth was common, but that was it. 

Munching on a bag of baby carrots and apple juice, the twins lied down on the couch at each end, their feet in the middle. Neither of them cared that they were fourteen, sharing a blanket and eating a bag of carrots on the hot day. 

Their father entered the living room from upstairs, where he'd been getting his bags ready for the past little while for LA. He noticed his children still sitting in the same spots they'd be at since the beginning of summer. He and Garrett didn't always get along and Garrett often got his way because Bombay didn't have the time to deal with the boy and his attitude. Meanwhile, he and Ellie seemed to have a better understanding with one another.

"Guys, I think you should go outside." He told them.

"No." Garrett spoke, his eyes remained on the screen.

"Why?" Ellie asked, comfortable and warm under the blanket.

"Because," He spoke and walked in front of the television. "You two are paler than a vampire and that somehow is possible."

"You're blocking my view of Topanga." Garrett spoke, sitting up to try and get a better view. "You know, it's funny, 'cause Angela is there too." He laughed. "But Topanga is a total hottie." He nods.

"No, Shawn is." Ellie sighed dreamily. 

Bombay turned and grabbed the cords, unplugging them all. "No!" They yelled in unison.

"Now that I know you're both paying attention, I need to know whether you're staying here or coming to LA with me. I have to arrange dorms for you if you're staying and find a house if you're coming."

The twins looked to one another and shrugged. "Give us a few more hours." Garrett shrugged, getting up and taking the bag of carrots with him. Elliott looked to her father after her brother left and didn't know what to do.

"I'm staying wherever he goes." She nods.

"I believe Eden Hall is a perfect place for you both. As much I hate to leave you both of here since the passing of your mother and all, I do believe this is a good fresh start for you both. Eden Hall is beautiful, and I went there at your age, so they'll know who you are."

"Yeah, but they'll expect so much more from us because we're your kids." She told him and stood up from the couch. "I don't think we could live up to you, especially me."

"Well, just do your best and that'll be enough. Charlie will be there if you need anything, and his mother."

"We barely even know his mother."

"Yeah! You dated her, but we didn't!" Garrett called from the kitchen, scoffing, and entering with a peanut butter and jam sandwich. "See, I remember because Charlie me when we went to that diner."

Gordon sighed to his son. "Go outside and get some fresh air. You need it." He patted his son's shoulder and gave a kind smile to his daughter. The twins got dressed and pulled their new shoes on headed outside, going for a run around to check out a few places and get themselves back in shape instead of using the treadmill and bike in the house.

Running around the block, Elliott had pulled her hair back into a high ponytail and it swung side to side with every step she took. Garrett's hair flopped above his head, it was a replica of his father's except a little shorter, but still a little longer than average boy's. He held what some would call a middle curtains cut, where the hair was either long or short and the roots were down the middle of the head, splitting the hairline to either side of the head, framing the face some. 

Since Garrett's was a little long, he did run a hand through his hair every now and then, which gave a messy wave, and some would even say hot, mess. Elliott's hair had a light wave, but it was usually straight. It's mid-length was a nice fit for her and her mother had nice looks, in which Elliott received. 

Turning around the next block, the twins came to a slow jog as they came to the a stop light, waiting to cross the busier streets as they left their quiet neighborhood. When the light changed, they both jogged across the crosswalk and then continued down the sidewalk, keeping cautious about other people and the traffic. They hadn't been for a run in a little while, so they were getting tireder faster than before. The fact that they'd eaten before their run didn't help them either.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna throw up." Garrett spoke, hunched over with a hand on his right knee and his left hand holding his stomach. Elliott stood hunched forward as well, both hands on her knees as she caught her breath and looked around. 

"Go to that bush." She pointed, pacing around now and held her side, feeling a cramp coming on from improper breathing.

"I think I'm all-no," He jogged over to the bush, not able to finish his sentence before having to purge into the bush.

He still portrayed some faults that came along with his hockey injury from the Games. He could move fine like he could before, but he'd been warned many times about a next injury. Garrett took the time to heal his injury, but the whiplash caused held some damage. The odd time, on any day at any time, he would feel sharp pains in his neck, lower or upper back from the injury. They never last long, but they do require him to take meds to relieve himself from the pain. 

He and Elliott didn't have a tendency to throw up after eating and do physical exercise, but it does occur the odd time, like it does for any other person. When Garrett finished throwing up, he lifted the collar of his shirt to his mouth and wiped his face. Elliott's face scrunched up in disgust because now he was wearing his vomit. She shivered inside and out.

"Okay, let's go." She nods.

"I'm walkin' it back." He told her. "I am not running anymore today."

"Me too. I think we deserve a treat."

"Topanga-Shawn." They spoke in unison, cutting the other off and hoped to say the same thing, but did not. Elliott found Shawn to be quite the looker of the series and Garrett found Topanga to be quite the lady.

She furrowed her brows and crossed her arms. "No. She's all right, but Shawn's the real deal."

"If I were a girl, but no, it's definitely Topanga, she's hot."

"In your dreams. You're too much of a douche to score a girl."

"Let's make a deal, first one to either admit they like someone or fall in love with them first, loses."

"And?" She asked him, wondering what was in it if either of them won. "What do I get when I win?"

"When you win?" He scoffed with a laugh, shaking his head. "No, I'm winning, Ellie." He corrected her. "You pick, what do you want to win?"

"Hmm." She pondered.

"I want the System in my room from now on if I win."

She didn't think that was so bad, she could still use it if she wanted to. "Fine, if I win, I want bragging rights to diss you about the lost and the System in my room as well."

"What? No. I get the same as you then."

"Deal." She nods, they shook hands and neither of them were going to lose, they both wanted that win. "Until second semester, it starts now." She eyed him and he nods, agreeing.

Eden Hall's Ducks-Sequel to Bombay's TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now