Locker Room Rules

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The team walked off the ice together, tired and upset about the practice. Coach Orion was quickly cleaning up the pucks and pushing the nets back before coming to locker room with the paper he was going to quickly make up with the positions of the players for his team. He needed to get them back into shape and back to the top of podium, not the bottom, because they were brought in for light and victory, not darkness and loses.

"Someone get me a shovel and bury me right here." Goldberg sighed, lying down on the bench before Russ came and he needed to sit up. 

Elliott and Garrett walked in within the middle of the bunch, taking their seats on the bench at their spot. Garrett sighed and inhaled deeply, pulling his helmet off to reveal his soaking wet wavy hair and placed his helmet on the shelf above his head. Elliott yawned, extremely tired from quick day, leaning back against the locker as she stared ahead at Luis, who sat down and took a moment to relax, Charlie walking to his spot next to him as he mocked Coach Orion.

"I'll teach you to play like what?!" Charlie hollered, using his stick like a cane as he maneuvered around. "It starts with a W!" He half chanted, going to his seat.

"Wussies." Averman said.

"Defense, defense, defense."

Russ grunts and the boys pretend to fool around, then the door opens.

Ellie gazed around the room, she wasn't a fan of the way the others were acting. She didn't think Coach Orion was that bad and she believed it was only bad because Charlie was making things more difficult than they needed to be. Garrett on the other hand didn't really mind, he wasn't the one getting into trouble, so he liked being quiet and watching.

Coach Orion walks into the room with a slip, all the boys looking over to him and then gazed away elsewhere. "Eden Hall requires you to maintain a 'C' average." He begins.

"Not bad." Russ nods.


"I believe that's a bad rule-" He continued.

"Go Coach!" Goldberg agrees.

"I don't want any 'C' players on my team. I want 'B' or better, or you're gonna be riding the pine pony." He points to the boys after pinning up the sheet. "Now, you got fifteen minutes after every practice to clear out this locker room. You got homework to do. Oh, and more thing," He turned at the door, looking at everyone. "Steer clear of Varsity until we play 'em at the JV-Varsity showdown. You got that?" He demands.

"Mh-hmm." Everyone nods and agrees.

Slowly, when he leaves, everyone began getting up to look at the sheet one by one to see where they were. Elliott overheard many complaints and Goldberg laughed because he said as goalie, he always knew where he stood. Of course now he was backup and not first, Julie was. The twins didn't bother looking right yet, there were too many people crowded in front of it.

Dwayne was asking about Captain Tibid and Guy explained it was Captain T.B.D. Fulton said he played left, not right. Adam couldn't find himself on the sheet and Russ was third line and it seemed to be a 'major diss'. Garrett was pulling his shoulder pads and stood, switching his shirts out and rubbed his back some, it was a little sore. Elliott hung up most of her things, being the first undressed since she was busy doing other things.

"Go ahead, I'll meet you out there." Garrett nodded. She gave him a smile and nods, picking up her school bag. Garrett knew it would be a little while for everyone to leave, so he grabbed his towel and headed for the showers. Standing at the edge of the showers, he stared at the wide open room filled with shower heads and taps along the wall, drains lined the outer wall as a small canal went around the room and in case, a drain was in the middle of the shower room as well. 

"Not much to it, huh?" Adam laughed, standing next to Garrett and looked inside as well, changing his mind about showering.

"Guess not." Garrett nods. "I mean, as much as we are all the same age and boys, it wouldn't be to shower in there, but I would still prefer not to."

Overhearing, Luis enters as well. "Get used to it, you missed gym class this morning and everyone showers after class." 

"Gross." Garrett shivered.

"Hey," Averman spoke. "Did you see that you and Elliott are line one?"


"Oh, well, you are." He smiles and walks off. Adam shaking his head and turned. 

"I'm surprised you two didn't make Varsity with me, I would've expected you two before me."

Finishing up, Adam and Garrett left the locker room. Garrett and Adam could get on the best of terms together because they had the most in common. Same age, same height, some of the same likings, they were both exceptionally talented hockey players, they'd been injured before in the game, and they were wealthy. Garrett knew he and Adam could have each other's backs, however, he knew Adam was more shy and he didn't know if he had a crush on his sister or not, because she did reject him at the Games for smoothies, only for Garrett, though.

"Who do you room with? I'm alone, but, I do got an extra bed in my room." The Bombay boy asked. Adam nodding, wondering how the boy managed to get his own room. Ellie had her own room as well to herself. She and her brother had bigger rooms than most. They were some of the only people there who had their own rooms. They each had two twin beds in their rooms, two wardrobe closets, two desks and two dressers.

"Um, I'm bunked with Averman. We're all on the same floor. Charlie and Fulton are bunk mates, then there's Guy and Luis, Goldberg and Russ, Dwayne and Ken. And then I assume the girls are together."

Garrett nods. "Ellie isn't with them. We've got our own rooms."

"Wow, how'd that happen?" He asked, kinda impressed. Now, he knew that if he wanted somewhere quiet to go, he could go see Garrett.


Adam nods, then ponders. He had never heard Garrett speak of Bombay as his father, it was always Coach and or Bombay or Gordon. He had heard Elliott call her father dad before many times, but never Garrett and found it odd. "You must lucky to have him as your father."

"Eh." He shrugged. "But, hey, I got the System in my room. Wanna play?"

"Do I?" He smiles. "Yeah." He nods.

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