EPILOGUE: 1 Year Later.....

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Wade had been shot by Rothington that night. I held him in my arms and screamed loudly hoping that somebody would help us.
But because everyone was busy shooting and fighting downstairs, nobody heard us.

I thought we were gonna die, especially when I saw Rothington pointing his gun at me.

Then I don't know what came over me. Call it protective, revenge, anger, love, or even all the above. Either way, I was going to make sure that he never bothered us again.

Once I saw the gun next to Wade, I grabbed it and without hesitating, I pulled the trigger twice.

I had never shot a gun before and this was my first so, I hadn't realized if rather or not I hit Rothington. That was until I finally opened my eyes and saw him collapsed onto the floor, dead.

Next week it will be a year since all of that happened. We're trying to put that in the past and at first weren't sure we were gonna be able to. Then our baby was born. Healthy and beautiful. It was in that moment as we held her in our arms and watched sleep so peacefully. In that moment we had realized that for her sake, we would put all of that in the past. Never bring it up or mention it to her 

Some agents were injured while the others were dead. Less agents than Rothington's men were dead and injured.

Wade has a scar where he was shot at but luckily the bullet missed one of his major arteries by a centimeter.

There of course was a trial on not only Rothington's men but also Franklin as well as all the other leaders the CIA and FBI have been wanting to take down for many years. Justice was being served and for the first time, they wouldn't be put into cells that were built for the riches and kings. They would be separated and share cells with other harsh criminals and watched at all times until they all got what they deserved. Eventually, they would all be part of death row.

Franklin was the only one that got the cells who only the richest get and has all the protection in the world. Even most of the inmates respect him more than Rothington.

We've taken the baby to see him and continue to go a few times a month along with sending him pictures and we plan to continue doing this for a while.

I was afraid at first that we would have to become part of the witness protection program and change our identities because of them wanting to have Wade testify in court in front of the judge and the criminals. However, they instead recorded his statement and gathered the evidence he gave them before and never let out to even news reporters that he was the one who took them all down.

It's gonna take some time for me to be one hundred percent okay and not worrying about being chased and tracked down by any of them. I have enough to worry about between the baby, opening a new salon and Wade and the future itself.

I've seen so much and been through a lot but, without Wade I don't think I would have ever made it this far.

I just finish up putting the baby to sleep and get ready for bed as is Wade who just jumped out of the shower after getting back from work and is now getting into his boxers.

The government helped Wade rebuild the brand his 'father' had created and destroyed. This time, it was put into Wade's name and he started anew, from scratch. So far things are going great.

"I am so exhausted." I yawn while getting underneath the blankets.

"I know baby." He says as he slips in the bed next to me and we pull close into each others arms.

We give each other kisses and I feel so relaxed and at ease with him. He has always made me feel safe and loved and just overall happy. I can't wait until we grow old with each other.

Love doesn't cost a thing. True love doesn't. Yet it also it isn't. Sometimes even, good or bad, there's a catch. In this particular case I found true love but not just any kind. This was a love with interest.

                               The End!!

I hope you all enjoyed this story and enjoy the others that are coming. :):);) Love you all! :):)

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