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As i was ready.. To go to our dinner, my phone then ringed and saw your contact number, i start to smile widely and answer you call.. But, the words someone said in the phone made me want to jump in a building

You were hospitaled

I ran as fast to get to the hospital and try to find your room.. And there i find it, you were there laying in the bed.. And saw your parents both cryng..

Your parents greeted me and your mom asked me if i was choi yeonjun.. And i nod, your mom gave me a letter and it saids

Dear Yeonjun,

I know, you read this now.. The time that you had this letter.. I wrote this because i want to tell you the truth.. As you transfer to my school.. I was happy and bright everytime i saw you.. But then, as we partnered of the project i was really happy and nervous at the same time .. And excited to meet you always..with that.. You noticed me when i was crying in the side of the gate.. And that was the time my sickness start to get deeper and stronger, and it was the cancer of my body stage 2..the doctor said i only have 1 week to live.. So i was depressed and broke.. And i always thought how can i confess to you and How am i gonna live with you forever.. And lastly the time you texted me.. It was the time of me.. To be gone.. So that you texted me.. I wroted this.. To say goodbye and see you in next life.. And i really want to say this face to face with you..

I love you.. And goodbye my love see you in next life

Sincerely your beloved y/n

And that letter..made my heart broke in a billion peaces..

I holded your both hands and cried.. While saying this

'thank you y/n for making me love and happy in my life.. And i want to tell you this to.. I love you too my love and good bye.. See you in next life'

LOVE is not BLIND Yeonjun ffWhere stories live. Discover now