Seventies Records

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Under the night sky littered with stars millions of miles away and as the fireflies lit their bodies and buzzed, as the icy winds brushed their nude skin and goosebumps appeared on their body, as the nocturnal animals rose, as they lay on the hood of a beat up car and absorbed each other's body heat while attempting to not overthink their future without each other to no avail, they realized the inevitable. No matter how many shooting stars they wished upon, how much they prayed to the gods they refused to believe in, and how much they begged the world, by this time tomorrow, they were going to be on opposite sides of the planet. And, even if they kept in touch, the other's existence would become nothing but a faded memory. They would move on and date new people, start new lives and hang with different crowds.

Blake held his boyfriend close to his chest, peppering kisses over the back of his neck. He rested his back against the windshield of his car, the person he adored the most sat between his legs, smiling lazily. They took solace in each other's presence, knowing that soon it would be gone. In a few short hours, they were parting ways with a soft kiss and a long goodbye. All the nights they would stay up late, wrapped in each other's arms and sharing passionate kisses, a faint memory. Tightening his grip, Blake whispered a raspy 'I love you' in his lover's ears, who didn't fail to grin massively and repeat the so endearing words he'd miss saying.

The car radio started a new song, the strumming of the guitar flowing out of the speaker as did the vocals. Blake hummed along to the tune, softly singing the words he'd heard so many times.

"Look in the mirror and tell me
Just what you see
What have the years of your life
Taught you to be?
Innocence dying in so many ways
Things that you dream of are lost
Lost in the haze"

Blake had discovered love when his eyes had landed on the gorgeous boy with the unruly curls and full lips he'd die to kiss. The moment his gaze saw beauty was then, when he heard the alluring voice coming out of his mouth. Stunning did not make his boyfriend's beauty justice. He was more than that. It was more than looks, it was on the inside as well. He wasn't fake as most were. He was honest and easy to talk to, intriguing and mysterious with the best storytelling skills. They had strummed each other's heart strings and played a joyful tune that was now turning melancholic. They say first loves don't last, and they were unfortunately right.

When Blake met Ross, his life had changed for the better. He learned what it truly meant to love someone and of the need to make them happy. Every time he heard that giggle escape Ross' lips and that boyish smile take over his face, he was lost. He could be asked anything and he would comply without question. Undoubtedly, he would run to the edge of the world for him. He'd commit murder to prove his love. He would do anything for love.

"Hold on, baby hold on
'Cause it's closer than you think
And you're standing on the brink
Hold on, baby, hold on
'Cause there's something on the way
Your tomorrow's not the same as today"

Today they were in each other's embrace, sharing kisses, doing random acts of affection. They were completely, undoubtedly and unconditionally in love. Their hearts were two halves to a whole. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. By this time tomorrow, thousands of miles would be in between them. A string connecting two lost hearts, a pull towards each other, longing to be wrapped around their lover.

Their ending was nearing, the termination of the most precious thing either of them possessed. Blake wanted to escape, to leave this godforsaken town and lessen the unbearable pain their separation was causing. To thwart destiny's plans to break them apart, to jump on a train with Ross and never get off. To place their favorite record on a turntable and listen to the needle slowly trace its grooves and drift away to a peaceful world where no one kept them away.

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