Chapter 2

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The first sign that something was wrong should have been caught early on by him. He had grown used to the constant presence by his side, had almost become dependent on it, so when one day it was entirely gone, Hadrian should have been more concerned. Should have worried. And yet, weeks went by without a word from Ash before Hadrian decided to bring the situation to his father.

"Why does it matter?" Marvolo inquired, setting down his quill and rolling up the letter he had just finished. Hadrian's indignation was purposefully ignored as the older man turned and gave the letter to the owl patiently waiting at the window.

"Why does it matter?! Why do you think it wouldn't matter? He's been gone for two and a half weeks now, nothing about this is normal in the slightest!" He snapped, agitation rolling off him in waves. He sat impatiently on the sofa as his father closed the window with a flick of his hand, languidly walking to the burning fireplace across from his son.

"It sounds to me like you've grown overly attached to him. Perhaps this time away from each other was overdue. After all, it makes sense that Death would have more important things to be doing, rather than spending his time pandering to a sixteen year old boy, does it not?" Marvolo casually replied, gazing into the flames.

"You have no right to-"

"To what? Tell you the truth? To make it clear to you that, despite your accomplishments at your young age, you are still only a child, overly attached to your only friend? Please, Hadrian, spare me the self-righteous monologue. I've heard more than enough of those from wizards far greater than you." Marvolo barked, turning to face his son. He quickly regained his composure, however, stopping Hadrian's retort with a raised hand. "I'm sorry. That was out of line. Hadrian, I understand your frustration, and while I would more than like to help you, there is nothing that we can do if Ash does not wish to be found. He is Death, and so is out of our reach. So please, give up this futile quest. Stay here."

"You know I can't do that." Hadrian replied, all anger sapped from his body. "I will find him, with or without your help. And after all I have done for you, I feel it is time you did something for me. Let me do this. If nothing comes of it, if the rumors are all false and every piece of evidence points to it not being him, then I'll come back. But Father, I have to at least try. Please understand." He pleaded, standing to face Marvolo.

The Dark Lord stared down at him, searching for something in his eyes. Finally, he nodded.

"Fine then. If that is what you wish. However, I will require you bring someone with you. Preferably someone a bit older than you." Marvolo stated, returning to his desk.

"If that's all then." Hadrian replied, heading to the door.

"Good night."


"Lysander? Really?"

"Well, you said you wanted me to bring someone older than me." Hadrian replied cheekily. "Why not the vampire leader's son?"

Marvolo let out a long sigh, but motioned to the white haired man to speak.

"I am perfectly fine with this arrangement, my lord. My father has allowed me leave from the clan to accompany your son on his journey." Lysander said, bowing slightly and lifting burgundy eyes to gaze at Marvolo through dark lashes.

Marvolo nodded, motioning for him to rise.

"Express my gratitude to him for me. With that settled, you may leave tomorrow, and I suggest you get acquainted with each other before that. Hadrian?" Green eyes snapped back to attention from where they were wandering, not a hint of guilt in them.

"Yes Father?" He asked, his tone light.

"Do behave."


"Well I'm glad that was short. Honestly, between the two of you the overdone formality is nauseating, I don't understand how you are able to-"

"Let me make something clear, Riddle." Lysander cut in, stopping in the hallway and turning to face the teenager. "I'm not here to be your friend, nor am I here to lower myself to the mental faculties of a disturbingly young boy. I am centuries old, have experienced things far greater than your feeble mind could understand, and I refuse to cater to the whims of your egotistical fantasies. I am here because my father requested it. Don't ever forget that." He spat, edging closer to Hadrian with each word until they were almost touching.

Hadrian waited quietly until the vampire finished, before staring straight back into uncannily familiar red eyes.

"I'm glad we can agree on something, Albescu. I have no desire to be friends with the likes of you, nor your kind, but that doesn't mean we can't come to some agreement, wouldn't you say?" Hadrian sneered, looking the tall vampire up and down with obvious disgust.

"Oh? And what would you suggest, wizard?"

"You don't insult me, and I won't crush your skull the next time you breath in my direction." A dark haze went through the vampire's eyes as Lysander lunged forward, a hand reaching towards Hadrian's exposed throat.

"Lysander." A voice called out from the end of the hall, stopping the vampire in his tracks. The outstretched hand returned to his side, both wizard and vampire turning to face the newcomer. Lysander dropped to a knee as the figure approached, while Hadrian remained at his side, gaze transfixed on the being who now stood above Lysander. "Perhaps I was wrong in allowing you to leave the nest on your own so young. I had thought I had prepared you better for the outside world, but perhaps I was wrong."

Long and thick white hair accompanied the velvet smooth voice that carried through the hall, and Hadrian soon found himself staring into the same piercing red eyes that were now glaring at the floor next to him.

"You must be Hadrian Riddle. I am Nikola Albescu, leader of the vampires here in Europe. I must ask that you excuse my son's deplorable behavior. You can rest assured that he will be properly punished." The words floated over Hadrian, music to his ears, and he found himself for the first time in many years struggling to construct a coherent response.

"There-" He cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from penetrating red. "There is no need for that. I think we have come to understand each other now; it would be remiss to hold off on our travels so close to our departure."

Perfectly sculpted lips curled upwards, before he abruptly turned from the two to walk back the way he came.

"So be it."

As soon as he was gone, a harsh breath of air was released from the still prostrate vampire beside him, before long limbs outstretched to reach his full height. Sharp red eyes once again turned towards him, before finally releasing him from their gaze.

"I will see you tomorrow at noon." Lysander called back as he walked further into the manor. Hadrian stared a moment longer, before beginning the trek to his own room.

He had much planning to do.


Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think so far of this new direction Hadrian's story is taking!

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