Damn Fourth Chaos Emerald

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"Hey, Shadz!" 

Shadow lets out an annoyed sigh and looks up from his book that he was reading. He was sitting at a tree, cooling off in the shadow of it after walking around Green Hills for a bit to enjoy the summer warmth. 

"What do you want, Faker." , he spat out annoyed. 

Sonic pulled a fake upset expression as he puts a hand on his chest. 

"What's wrong? Didn't you miss your favourite hedgehog?", he asked jokingly. 

Shadow rolls his eyes at that before huffing out. 

"No. Now what do you want." 

Sonic giggles at him before grinning and putting his hands on his hips and standing in a power stance.

"Well it has been rather quiet lately so I thought you might like to race with me!" 

Of course. 

What else would he have wanted? 

A goodnight story so he could finally shut up and be quiet? 


Who was he kidding, Eggman hasn't attacked the city or Green Hill for a while now and it was kind of boring just sitting around all day, as much as Shadow hates to admit. 

"Alright. I'll race you." 

"Great!", Sonic cheered out, happily. 

Shadow stands up and places his book away. 

"But after this, I am finishing this book and you won't bother me, capiche?" 

Sonic snickers and nods while putting his thumb up. 

"You got it, Shadz!" 

"And don't call me Shadz." 


Shadow huffs out as he and Sonic stand side by side, ready to dash off. 

"Alright! Ready-", Sonic starts. 

Both lift themselves a little up from the starting position they were in. 



Shadow and Sonic dash off. Both were at a head to head. Sometimes one of them would be a little faster than the other before the other picked up their speed. 

Sonic flashes a grin to Shadow. 

"Enjoying yourself, Faker?", he teases him. 

"Once I beat your ass, I will-", Shadow growls out. 

"Try me, bitch!", Sonic laughs out as he runs faster. 

Shadow was taken back by Sonic saying suCh A wOrD- 

Never did he ever hear Sonic talk like that before. He growls and speeds up again, trying to overtake him. 

Sonic sticks his tongue out at him, mischievously. Shadow growls out frustrated. 

Sonic suddenly stops and shrieks when he almost ran over a squirrel. 


Sonic screeches out when Shadow slammed into him, not expecting him to just stop all of a sudden. They both hit the ground with an OOF. 

I'll just leave-

Shadow grunts out in pain from landing on the ground with his back. He blinks when he feels a weight on his chest. He looks down and sees Sonic who was holding his head while whining out dizzily. 

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