We arrive

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"Kya, Kya!"

I jolt up in my seat and the first thing I see is Emily.

"We're here", she says grabbing our luggage out of the over head compartments. I then realize that we're on a plane and we just landed in L.A.
I yawn while stretching my hands over my head and grab my luggage out of Emily's hand.
"Thanks Em!" I laugh, looking at her messed up hair and exhausted face.
She shot me a dirty look while closing the overhead compartments.
"Um, excuse me, Miss?"
I turn around at the sound of one of the flight attendants voices.
"Yes?" Emily asked.
"If you would please leave the plane, that would be great, you're holding up the next flight."
"Oh! Of course, sorry!" Emily mumbled looking down at her feet.
We then started walking towards the exit if the plane. When we finally got off and in to the airport, I realized I really had to go the bathroom.
"Hold my stuff Em, I'll be right back," I said turning towards the bathrooms. I got a quick nod from Emily and a mumble that sounded like rainbow zebras, as she started scrolling through her texts. As I rolled my eyes and was muttering about how weird she was, I ran into someone. As I looked up I gasped, seeing...
Haha, sorry everybody cliffhanger! I know, I know I'm terrible lol. Anyways, once again I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a really long time I'll try to do it more. 💚Mia💚

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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