Growing Pains

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I walk out of my room and past Elena's to see her and Jeremy hugging.
"Hey." I say to Elena and she smiles at me.
"Pheebs." She smiles at me an I walk into her room.
"Are you okay? I watched Vickie go through this. She was a mess. Her emotions were all over the place. All these old memories came flooding back." Jeremy tells her and I take his hand.
"I'm fine. I'm not Vickie." She tells him.
"No, you're not. You're you. You act like everything's ok so no one worries about you, but you need help." Jeremy tells her and I nod.
"I said I'm fine, ok?" She snaps. "I'm-I'm sorry. I... Have you talked to Bonnie?" Elena asks.
"Yeah. She said when I was shot, she made some plea to the witch spirits to bring me back. And they listened." Jeremy tells her.
"Yeah, but the consequences were horrible." She tells him.
"And what could be more horrible than you turning into a vampire?" Jeremy asks her.
"Jer!" I gasp.
"I need my sisters. Not another one of them." He tells us.
"We're going to find a way out of this. Everything's going to be ok." She tells us.
"I hope so." Jer says and takes me out of the room with him to his room. "Hey, so, last night when Alaric was passing over, he wanted me to tell you something." Jeremy tells me as we sit down on his bed.
"What is it?" I ask him.
"He wanted you to know that none of this is your fault. You are not responsible for all the death around you. And he loves you, and he's really proud of you." He tells me and I smile.
"Thank you. I really needed that." I tell him. "I have to go. I'm supposed to grab some things of Nik's." I tell him and stand up and leave down the stairs to my car. I drive over to Rebekah's house and make my way to where Nik was packing all of his art stuff to find Rebekah falling to the floor with an arrow in her chest. Suddenly I feel a pounding pain in my left side and reach my hand to it. I look down to see blood and a lot of it.

I wake up in a van across from Caroline and Rebekah.
"What is happening?" I ask them.
"Are you ok?" Caroline asks me urgently.
"I think so." I tell her and go to move my hand but can't.
"Vervain ropes. Although they won't do anything to you." She tells me. "Why did they take you?" She asks me.
"I-I think it's because of my dad. The other him said that standing by vampires was just as bad as being one. He must have told them I was one." I tell them and groan as the pain in my side gets worse. "Damn that hurts like a bitch." I say and then suddenly the van flips over and there's glass everywhere. The back door is ripped off and there stands Tyler.
"Tyler?" Caroline asks. "You're alive?" She gasps.
"Yeah." He says as he unties her and then moves to me.
"Oh, thank you so much Ty." I say as I try to stand up but I fall into his arms.
"I've got you, love." He tells me and hold me up.
"Love?" I ask as I let the blackness take me.

I wake up leaning against a tree in the middle of the woods. My hand reaches for my side but there's no wound. Just some blood stains and a hole in my shirt. I look up and see Caroline and Tyler arguing. "You were the one talking about hot hybrid sex." Tyler says and I make a face.
"Hey..." I groan and stand up.
"Hey," Tyler says and rushes over to help me up. "You've lost a lot of blood, love." He says and I nod.
"Yeah, who the hell... wait, did you just say love?" I ask him looking up at him and he gives me a slight nod. "Nik?" I ask him and he smiles. "Oh my god, I could kiss you right now." I tell him and smile so big. "But I won't because you're Tyler, well you're in Tyler's body and that would be weird." I tell him and he laugh. I wrap my arms around his neck and his wrap around my waist. "I thought you were dead." I say quietly.
"Bonnie did a spell." He tells me and I pull away and nod.
"Speaking of Bonnie. We should probably fin her and get her to take you out of my boyfriends body." Caroline says and we follow her as she walks away.

We find Bonnie and Jer at the old witches house.
"She said she's not strong enough." Jeremy tells Tyler/Nik.
"You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely you're strong enough to get me out." Nik tell her and I stand back with Caroline.
"I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use the kind of magic again. It's too dangerous." She explains and I look down at my hands knowing all hope is lost for now.
"Bonnie, do the bloody spell!" He screams.
"Nik." I say sternly.
"She said she can't, ok?" Caroline tells him.
"It's ok. We'll wait a few days until Bonnie is strong enough to do it with tradition magic." I tell him and turn to Bonnie. "Right, Bonnie?" I ask her hopeful when Nik rips his shirt and brings his hand to his heart.
"What are you doing?" Caroline asks him as he attempts to sink his hand into his chest.
"Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else. Maybe you." He says looking at Jer.
"Nik! Stop! Stop it!" I scream at him.
"He's bluffing he needs a witch to do that." Jeremy says and I give him a look.
"Shut up, Jer. It's not a risk I'm willing to take. Stop it, Nik!" I yell at him again.
"What makes you think I don't have one. Or ten. Pick, Bonnie! You or Tyler!" He screams at her.
"Stop! Please! You're killing him!" Caroline yells.
"Fine, I'll do it. Just stop." Bonnie tells him and he does.
"Good. Let's begin." He tells her and she nods. She sets up everything and kneels behind him. She places her hands on his head and starts chanting.
"This is black magic. She shouldn't be doing this." Jer tells us and I look down, because I'm glad she's doing it.
"Tyler..." Caroline says as he opens his eyes.
"Caroline. Hey." He says and goes to Caroline. My eyes make their way over to Klaus' coffin but then Tyler falls over.
"Bonnie what are you doing? It worked you can stop." Jeremy tells her.
"What's happening? Let me go! Let me go!" Bonnie says to no one in particular. "I'm sorry grams! No, don't do this to her!" she crys and falls onto her knees. "What have I done? What did I do?" She says and Jeremy takes her hands and holds her. I make my way over to Klaus' coffin and open it to see the desiccation lines fading away. I look around to room to find a knife. I grab it and slice a little cut into my wrist.
"Here, drink." I tell him and he shakes his head. "You're weak from everything. You need to drink." I tell him and place my wrist against his lips and he closes his mouth around my wrist for a few seconds before pulling away. He breaks the chains wrapped around him and I help him out of the coffin. "Thank you, Bonnie." I say and Nik and I leave them and make our way back to his mansion.
    "You should go shower and change." He tells me.
    "I have a better idea." I say and press my lips to his and wrap my arms around his neck. "What were you and Caroline talking about earlier? Hot hybrid sex? Was it?" I ask him and he smirks and hoists me up so I wrap my legs around his waist.

After the hot hybrid sex I take a shower and change into some fresh clothes I left here. Nik walks in looking particularly upset.
   "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him as he starts to pack his closet up. "Nik, what are you doing?" I ask him.
    "Rebekah got rid of the last of the doppelgänger's blood. I can't make anymore hybrids." He says and continues to pack.
   "Hey, you don't need hybrids. Okay, I'm here, and you're Niklaus Mikaelson. You can handle yourself. You don't need an army of hybrids." I tell him moving in front of him and taking his face in my hands. At first he leans in before he takes my hands into his.
   "I'm leaving. And you can't come with me. I can't take you away from your friends and family." He tells me and I look taken aback.
   "But you're my family, too." I tell him. "Don't leave. I-I already lost you once. I can't do it again." I tell him and he nods.
   "Okay, okay. I need to leave. But I promise you. I'll come back. And we'll be together." He tells me and I nod as he wraps his arms around me.
   "I love you so much." I say into his chest.
   "I love you, too." He says and I turn to look up at him and press my lips to his.

The Death Girl// The Fourth Book in The Other Gilbert Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now