The Walking Dead

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   "Stamp please, thank you." Caroline says when Elena gives her a stamp. We're sitting outside the Mystic Grille helping Caroline make her graduation cards.
   "You don't have to pretend to be nice to me, Caroline. I know this is just a ploy to keep me distracted." She says as she finishes her own cards.
   "Your done? I'm only on my second batch." Caroline says.
   "We have family friends in Denver. Other than that. No one cares that I'm graduating. And to be honest neither do I." Elena says.
   "I wish I was graduating. I actually wanted to talk about that with you, Elena. After your graduation and stuff, I'm going to New Orleans. With Nik." I tell her and she nods.
   "Cool, do you think he knows where Katherine is?" She asks me and I look to Caroline before shaking my head.
   "I know, that's how you feel now, but once you get through this hating Katherine phase--" Caroline starts.
   "Wait. Do you know where Katherine is?" Elena asks.
  "No, why would I know where she is?"
  "Ok, but Caroline if you did you would tell me, right?" Elena asks.
   "Elena, you're obsessing." Caroline tells her and Elena grabs her arm.
   "Caroline, listen to me. If you know where Katherine is, then you have to tell me." Elena tells her.
  "I don't, Elena... chill." Caroline tells her yanking her arm back.

"Is it supposed to rain tonight?" Caroline asks as we sit at the bar inside the grille. I'm studying for my last two finals.
"Do I look like a meteorologist?" Rebekah asks her.
"Well, someone needs to do something, before she explodes." Caroline says and looks at me.
"Don't look at me. I told her I was leaving to be with Nik. And nothing, plus I still have two more finals and I figure with no school next year I should at least do well this year." I tell her and she sighs.
"I got this." Rebekah tells us grabbing some alcohol and walking towards Elena. Caroline leaves a few minutes later.
"Aren't you like super smart?" Matt asks me.
"Not super smart, I just remember things fast. I don't need to study but my grades are still better when I do." I tell him and he laughs.
"No, I mean, you took honors almost all of your high school years. Can't you just graduate a year early?" He asks me.
"I don't know. I guess I never kept much track of all my credits." I tell him and he nods. I'm writing down notes about government when it all goes pitch black. I look to Matt and we both grab onto each other's hands and make our way outside where we meet up with Caroline and Rebekah.
"The power's completely out." Rebekah tells us. The wind is blowing like crazy and it's super dark out.
"I'll call my mom. Maybe she knows what's going on." Caroline tells us and goes back inside. "Phoebe, come on. We're going to the school." She tells me coming out with Elena.
"Ok." I agree and follow them.

"There you guys are, any luck?" Stefan asks walking into the cafeteria.
"We've searched the whole school." Caroline tells him. "She should be here." She tells him and we hear a clank behind us and turn to look.
"What was that?" I ask them and they start to move forward so I follow. We move and look in the cooler. Caroline opens the freezer.
"Hm. Ice is melting." Stefan says and she closes it with a groan.
"It just doesn't make any sense. This is the center if the triangle. If she's gonna do the spell, she has to do it here. This is where they should be." Caroline tells us.
"Actually, I think we're in the right place. Just the wrong elevation." Stefan tells us and we leave getting on the phone with Damon.
"Well, if I remember correctly, I think there's an entrance in the basement." Damon says through the phone.
"Well, where's the basement?" Stefan asks him.
"Off the boiler room."
"You hear that?"
"I'll meet you there." Stefan says and hangs up.

We finally find Bonnie screaming in pain on the ground.
"Bonnie? Bonnie, what happened?" Stefan ask and I fall to her side.
"Katherine. Find Katherine we're linked." Bonnie tells us.
"Then unlink her." I tell her.
"You go, we'll stay with Bonnie." Caroline tells him. Stefan runs off and the next second Caroline hits my head against the wall and it's all darkness.

I wake up on the ground in the middle of the woods. I groan and hold my head.
"That son of a bitch." I mumble and when I open my eyes and look around I see Damon, Stefan, Bonnie, Elena, and Jeremy. "Jer.." I say and stand up. "Is it.. is it really you?" I ask and he pulls me into a hug. "Oh, my god." I say and laugh. I pull away and put my hands on his face. "How is this.. Bonnie." I say and turn towards her.
"I'll give you guys as much time as I can." Bonnie tells us.
"My dad. Where is he?" I say turning to Damon.
"I saw him earlier." Damon tells me and I look back to Jeremy.
"I don't have enough time. Not to be with both of you." I tell him. "How am I supposed to choose between you?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"Go to Ric. Be by him." He tells me.
"But you'll be gone." I tell him.
"Not completely gone, I'm always with you two." He tells me.
"I missed you so much." I tell him and wrap my arms around his neck.
"I missed you, too. Now go find Ric." He tells me.
"Ok. I love you." I tell him and he smiles and pushes me away. I hop in Damon's car with him and we drive to pick up Silas' body. Where we find my dad. "Dad!" I scream when I see him. I run over and throw my arms around his shoulders. "I missed you so much." I say as tears run down my face.
"What the hell are you doing here? You should be with Jeremy." He tells me.
"And not see you again. No way in hell." I tell him and he smiles and puts an arm over my shoulder.
"I missed you seeing me, sweetie." He tells me and I laugh and hug him again.

The Death Girl// The Fourth Book in The Other Gilbert Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now