💔Cheater!💔 pt.1

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Y/n's quirk
Fire fist, One Punch
Fire Fist: whenever y/n is in fight, her quirk activates from protecting their quirk holder, her fists will turn into fire, her quirk's fire is over a 1000 degrees. It can slice anything.
One Punch:when she punches a person it will kill that person so she takes extra classes with all might and aizawa,
You're might be wondering on how she got a second quirk, well it's because her mother thought that she was quirkless and gave her daughter her very own quirk

Here I am waiting for bakugo, Again.
"I wonder where bakugo is?" I said to myself. I hate it when I'm always the one waiting for him. Well, he is the same bakugo I've met but he is more gentle with me because I'm his girlfriend, Duh. But these past few days he became distant. I get it that our relationship was a secret but only deku knows

I don't know what I did wrong, but I'm kinda concerned, what if he's cheating on me, just...what if. That's the question that ran in head all the time. But I know deep down bakugo loves me, anyway. I've been in this restaurant for about 2 hours already. And it's already 8:34.
I decided that if bakugo won't be here in the next 10 minutes I will leave.

~time skip~ 9:58
"Ugh.." I said while massaging my neck, "umm, ma'am? We're closing now" the waiter said "oh, uh sure, thank you. I'll get going now" I said exhausted. I exited the restaurant, tired. I was basically dragging my feet. I was almost at my apartment, yeah I live alone, my mom died and my dad is a pro hero, but he sends me money every month. While walking I heard a rustle behind me, I activated one punch, and quickly looked behind me. And saw a dog

"Hey little doggie" I said trying not to scare it. It went to me and sniffed my hand, he barked and jumped on me, licking me. It was a golden retriever, I only noticed now. I decided to keep it, I named him Alpha

"You're my new friend" I said with joy.
While going to the lobby of my apartment, I saw a pet store, I looked at my dog and went my way to the store.
While picking some dog food, I saw ash blond hair, "maybe it's bakugo" I said mumbling to myself. I slowly walked my way there and saw that he was holding a puppy and he wasn't alone. He's with a girl! Not just any girl but...


bakugo was smiling, while looking at uraraka. His cheeks were a little flushed
I may have misunderstood the situation because I know that bakugo loves me.
"Woah! Thank you for buying me a dog bakugo!" Uraraka said with joy. "Wait bakugo bought that for uraraka?" I said mumbling. "I told you to call me babe remember?" What!? Babe?! Oh hell no!! I grabbed the dog food and ran to the cashier

I ran all the way to my apartment. I unlocked the door, and gave the dog its food. I texted my best friend, Deku
But the thing is deku is in a relationship with uraraka


Yes y/n-chan?

I saw bakugo with
Uraraka today...

So? Why?

You don't understand
Deku! I heard bakugo say
That uraraka should call him

Maybe their having
Pet names like us?
I mean we call each
Other babe, baby,
Pancake, honey and

Yeah! But they're to
Intimate with each other

Look, y/n-chan
I know they aren't
Doing anything

Ok, thank you.
Bye, deku

Bye, y/n-chan


After chatting with deku, I went to the bathroom and showered, put on my pajamas and went to sleep. I woke up the next day panting, I just had a dream that bakugo was cheating on me! Which was maybe true.

I pushed those thoughts away and did my morning routine. I slipped on my uniform and went downstairs to cook my breakfast. I cooked some hotdogs and eggs, after I ate I washed the plates and gave Alpha his food. While walking to school I saw bakugo walking, i was about to scream his name when another figure came into view, it was uraraka, Again. I was behind them not making any noice, I was trying to listen to their conversation "so how was your morning, babe?" bakugo asked to uraraka "it's great so far, love" uraraka said, that's what I call him! "Dont call me  that, baby" bakugo said "why?" She asked "that's because that pet name is what my parents call me" No! Your parents call you katsuki! "Oh ok, how about.... honey?"she asked sweetly. No one knows about deku and uraraka's relationship so people dont know if they're cheating on us

"Ok" bakugo said, I can't believe this, I'll tell deku. After i arrived at class after bakugo and uraraka went in trying to make it look like I wasn't following them. I mumbled a good morning to bakugo, getting nothing in return. After class I went to sit with deku and the guys, I grabbed my food and sat besides deku, I whispered in his ear that i needed to talk to him, we went into the hallway and talked to him "deku, i know bakugo and uraraka are cheating on us" i said, my voice shaking. "What the hell are you talking about y/n?!" He screamed at me. It's the first time he screamed at me, "kacchan and uraraka went do that!! Know they won't!! Maybe you're just delusional!! Maybe you're just over protective of kacchan!!" He said slapping me, my eyes widen in Shock, tears slipping out of my eyes.

I also saw his eyes widen in shock, "look midoriya, I dont care if you wanna believe me or not. It's up to you to get played with. ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT THEY ARE BOTH FUCKING CHEATERS!!"
I said my voice increasing at the end, his eyes turning into guilt "I'll fucking go, but dont come crying to me when you learn that they are cheating on you, this is goodbye for now midoriya" I said turning around to walk away.

3 days have passed, I still haven't talked to deku. I decided to go to bakugo's house to maybe hang out. He told me that his parents will be out of town for 4 months so I know hes all alone. I walked to his house and grabbed the spare the spare key he gave me, I entered his house and went to his room and heard noises I carefully opened his door and saw that bakugo and uraraka were making out. "WHAT THE FUCK BAKUGO!?" I said screaming furiously

To be continued

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