CHAPTER 6: Father Knows Best

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Woo ! Im so ashame after I said those words to him. Well then, I just swim back to Mermaidia. On my way I meet my Father. He's been waiting for me all day long. I can see in his face that his angry.

"Where have you been?" Father asked

"I . . . Im . . . Im just hanging out with Lovi Father" I answered

"Lovi is busy the whole day preparing for the big celebration of the Mermaidia" Father said

Omy?! now Im totally dead (x_x)

"Tell me the truth! Where have you been?" Father sakedme again

"Im sleepy Father I have to go. Let's talk again tomorrow" I said

When I was about to leave Father said something that makes my heart beats fast.

""I heard youve been hanging out with a human this past few days" - Father

"Father I can explain" - me

"How can you do this to me Demi. Why are you always break the rules. Respect the rules as you respect me as your father. I raise you up all by myself with full of love and this is for a return? Such a hardheaded mermaid. I dont want anything happen to you Demi, your the only one that I have since your mother died" - Father

NOTE: Demi's mother, the Queen of Mermaidia died when a ship accidentally sank in the sea and too many people were drowned. Her mother help them but in return, they thought Demi's mother is a monster and cause the all the trouble and why the ship sank so they killed her.

"Dad ! Treven is different from other humans. His kind. He cant do the things that can lead me into danger." - me

"And you defended that human ?" - Father

"Father I love him" - I said

"Demi, his a human and your a mermaid. Your world and his world are different" - Father

"Love didnt refer to as what we are or who we are Father. Even if we are different, you cant still escape the fact that our feelins for each other is the same. Dont blame the mistakes of humans to Treven Father. They not all the same" - me

"I dont want to do this but you leave me no choice Demi, you have to choose between me or that human!" - Father

"Father please ! Dont make me choose. You know I love you Father but I also love Treven. Your both special and important to me" I said

"Humans and mermaids are not meant for each other Demi. So stop this nonsense of yours !" - Father

"I can make this things change Father. I can prove that to you. Whatever trials we might face in life, through love we can face it all together and passes the challenges life" - me

"Stop it ! My decision is final. Forget all your feelings about that human and get ready for the big celebration tomorrow !" - Father

"Big celebration ? For what?" I asked him

"Im going to pass my crown to you Demi. Im getting older and I need you to take and rule my kingdom" - Father

"But Father ! Im not yet ready :|" - me

"No more excuses! You can never ever change my mind. Prepare yourself for a big responsibility and that's an order!" - Father

Father turn his back on me and I started to swim away from him. I started crying because of what my father said. It feels like my heart turn into pieces (T.T)

"Im sorry father, Im really sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. You know how much I love you but I also love Treven" I said to myself while crying

I went to the shore to see Treven. But I didnt saw him so I whistle in order for him to hear me.


Please Treven come out. I need you now :| 



When I got home I saw my mom and dad packing up our things. So I asked them.

"What are you doing mom ? Why did you packed our things ?" I asked

"We will leave back to Manila tommorow afteroon son ! The summer is about to end. Our vacation here is done. We can now go back to our real busy life." - mom answered

"What?!" I yelled

I hurridly ran outside to see Demi but there's no any sign of her so I went back to our beach house and walk straightly to my room. I lay down on my bed staring at my ceiling until my teardrops fell but I dont know why. Maybe I dont want to go far away from Demi because I love her (T.T) until I fell asleep.


I heard someone is whistling so I jumped out of my bed and look out my window. I saw Demi waving her hands so I immediately went outside to see her.

SCENE: At the cave

"Demi there is something you need to know" I said 

I saw her sad face and teary eyes so I asked her. So what do you want me know?" she sai 

"Im leaving tomorrow :(" - me

Demi's face turned sad and her tears falling.

"Were going back to Manila and continue our life there. Our vacation here is done. And Demi, Im going to miss you :( 

*my tears starts falling* 

and for the last time I want to see you tomorrow afternoon here at our meeting place so I can say goodbye to you before I leave" - I continued

"But Treven, my father knows about us and everything. He wants me to forget you and embrace the crown that his passing for. The big celebration will be held tomorrow and I cant change my father's decision anymore" - Demi

I cried harder when I heard Demi explaining.

"But I'll try to come here at time. I cant leave and forget you Treven." she continued

"Me either Demi, I love you" - I said

"I love you more Treven" - She replied

We both hug each other and leave the cave then went back to our homes.

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