Part 2

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Chapter 2

"What about Harry?" Lilly asked wanting her child to be safe "chosen one" or not. "Well," Dumbledore sighed. "I don't think he is safe here; it seems Voldemort is gone for now, but he will not be gone forever and even though harry can learn to protect himself in the future, for now, he is nothing but a child." Lilly was lost in through and so was James about where they could send him their hearts heavy with sorrow and some guilt, but they knew or at least they though they knew that they were doing the right thing. Dumbledore clapped his hands startling them. (At this point peter (yes, he's still here) had already taken the children into their parents' rooms so they could try to get some sleep) "Don't you have a sister Lilly?" Dumbledore questioned to which Lilly shook her head " absolute not they are the worst kind of muggles they hate out kind." to which Dumbledore sighed and said "But that's why it's so great no one, not even the dark lord will think about him being there" Lilly kept shaking her head until James grabbed her hand and said "honey it is where he will be safest" Lilly snapped back he will be miserable" "But he will be safe" James argued back to what that broke her resolve. And said "fine but we will visit him all of the gosh darn time you hear me. James nodded his head, of course, he thought he's still my son and of course, I do want to see him. Both looked at Dumbledore who sighed and said "I'm afraid that you won't be able to see him for the next 11 years if you decide to do this. That means that there will be any way that they could find him" They both agreed after about an hour lecture from Dumbledore to convince them.

So that is where we are right now, Lilly knocking the door to the Dursley's house and seeing her sister who looked confused to see her as she had not seen her for about 9 years. Lilly explained her situation to her sister while they were sitting in the dining room drinking tea. Petunia Dursley had matured since she had last seen her sister and moderately over her issue about her sister though vigorous therapy with humorously a wizard (because they could spill the secret to a muggle could they...) She apologised to her sister and said "Listen you guys are making a mistake the safest place this child can be is with his loving parents, your telling me you won't see him for 11 years? That will damage him emotionally" they argued back and through for what seemed like hours until petunia agreed she would love him like her own and he would become her own she told them he will be my son If I'm raising him. What she didn't tell him is that her husband is abusive, and he hits her, and she was scared he would he only 1-year son Dudley but she was protecting them she will also protect harry she thought to her.

Lilly tried to object was interrupted by James who agreed but he was mad and angry he knew deep inside that they shouldn't be doing this they both did. It was two late they thought to themselves as they said a final goodbye to their son.

Lilly held harry softly while he looked up at her with his eyes which seemed to be full of love not knowing what was about to happen. It broke Lilly heart so she simply said "Mama loves you, harry you are loved" and she kissed his lightning scar and passed him to James and walked out the room sobbing into her hand knowing if she were to stay harry would be leaving with them, James goodbye was just as tear-filled and he pressed his forehead to Harry's and said "I love you son and I'm sorry" he gave his forehead a quick kiss breathing in harry scent knowing he won't see or smell him for such a long time. His eyes scanned over him and his eyes trying to memorise his face. He passed him to his sister in law and gave her a nod of goodbye before he left with Dumbledore in tow. She was only worried about her husband was going to react to seeing harry for the first time.  


These will be getting longer and longer from this point.

Any feedback is wanted 

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