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Larry Evans was a well respected agent working for the biggest names in Hollywood. He worked with all sorts of different actors and actress based mainly in Beverly Hills and had been for over 40 years.

Larry was a kind and fair man, had many friends and a happy home life. However his job had its flaws like every job did and working for one of his best friends was one of them. He didn't mind being Johnny Depp's agent, they had been good pals for a long time but recently Johnny's life style was taking a tole on him as well. The actor lived a very lavish lifestyle, parties, women, alcohol it all seemed to have taken over the famous actor.

Johnny Depp has now played many successful roles. Captain Jack Sparrow was the part that made his name. He got job offers from many directors after pirates of the Caribbean, he was living what many people would see his best life. However his friend and agent Larry Evans knew it wasn't so glamorous and easy for him. Johnny was becoming a drunk, his reputation was being ruined by the papers and story after story came out about who he was seen leaving a party with or who he was now dating. Various photos had been shot of him drinking but worst of all was what Larry had discover this morning.

Larry was currently in a yellow cab travelling around LA on the way to see none other then Johnny Depp himself. After seeing the papers this morning he had been too impatient to wait for his driver to turn up and instead jumped into the nearest yellow cab. He had told the driver to take him to the Beverly Hills Hotel where Johnny had been pictured last night.

As soon as they arrived he paid the driver and rushed through the foyer. He was dressed in a black suit and carried a brief case containing every paper that had released the images of Johnny last night. As he asked the receptionist for his room number and showed her his ID he was quick to hunt him down.

The posh Hotel was buzzing with members and Larry could only sigh when the elevator he had stepped in filled with people. He was already very much on edge and this didn't help his nerves...

Reaching the top floor Larry check his watch to read 10:25 and hurried down the corridor to find Johnny's hotel room. Number 105.

Knocking frantically he waited a moment before finally the door opened revealing the actor standing there in nothing but a white towel around his waist. His longish hair fell about his washed out face and Larry could only sigh. "You look a mess" he said bluntly before stepping past Johnny and into his destroyed hotel room. There were empty bottles everywhere bras hanging over the grand settee in his suite and hanging from the chandler too.

"Carried on the party here I see" Larry continued to remark whilst pushing some bottle of the settee with his brief case to clear some space for him to sit down.

Johnny closed the door and ran both hands through his wet hair. Clearly he had just got out of the shower. "Can I get you a drink?" He asked his agent his voice groggy and low from the lack of sleep.

"Have you seen the papers?" Larry ignored his question and watched as Johnny headed tiredly to sit on the edge of his large king size bed still holding the towel around him.

"What now?" He grumbled.

Clicking open his brief case Larry threw down a handful of different tabloids with pictures of him holding a little clear bag with some white powder.

"Coke?" He grilled him angrily seeing Johnny frown at the paper whilst picking it up. Johnny Depp leaves party with suspicious white powder....

"Shit!" He cursed sighing loudly "Larry I promise you it wasn't mine, I didn't touch the stuff"

"Why the fuck are you carrying it then!" He barked in rage fed up now of how he was acting. He was ruining himself with all this partying, these stories about him were getting more scandalous each week!

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