This is war!

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  Wolfram's POV

 When it was time to clean up the dining hall, I could feel Sebastian glaring at me from behind. I smirked without looking at him. I knew what I was doing was cruel but I couldn't help myself. Knowing that he got a hard on and had a attraction towards me was gold. " I thought to myself.

Even though I didn't have any affection towards him, but not that I didn't think he was a handsome man. He was in fact very good looking, and seeing him be flustered over me was adorable. Before I could think anymore of it my thoughts were interrupted by Lady Sullivan with her sweet soft voice.

" Wolfram, please and clean up the mess. I want to show our guest around. " she smiled at me sweetly.

" But my Lady who will carry you around? " I asked confused to why she had made me stay behind to clean up this mess when the other staff members could have easily do this instead. It was then that I saw the cook Bard get up and started to walk over to Miss Sullivan with cheeky smile.

" Hey, don't worry about it! I can carry her around! Really it's no trouble. " The cook said waving his hand at me to reassure me that everything would work out just fine.

" Yes! That would be fine! Please do! Mr. Bard! " Sullivan had an excited tone as I watched Bard pick her up carefully.

" Very well then, please do take care of Lady Sullivan. " I bowed and heard Sullivan giggle cheerfully and that was that.

I saw Sebastian starting to walk out with the rest of group but to only see his master put his hand up to stop him.

" Sebastian, help Wolfram clean up this mess. " He said with a lazy tone and waved his hand in Sebastian face. And with that he closed the doors to the dining room and it was just me and that demon now.

Sebastian only let out a low and soft sigh turning around slowly to only start picking up the dirty plates. I then to started to do the same as well. I notice that Sebastian looked a bit nervous then anything. He kept dropping the silverware and taking long irradiated sighs and shaking his head. I smirked to myself and moved slowly but closer to the butler to only have him move away from me.

" You seem less talkative then before, are you alright? If you are not feeling well then please excuse yourself. " As plan as I could be so maybe he could get the hint.

Sebastian POV

' Why me? ' Was all I could think of as the doors closed, locking me in with the one person I did not want to be with. 

" You seem less talkative then before, are you alright? If you are not feeling well then please excuse yourself. " 

I was snapped out of my misery when I hear Wolfram speak. My eyes squinted and my mouth turned down slightly in anger. I was still pissed off from the little stunt he pulled earlier during Breakfast. I sighed loudly enough for him to hear my annoyance. I grabbed a rag and slammed it on the table harshly, cleaning it. In a matter of seconds, I had everything sparkly and clean without Wolfram having to lift a finger. I then turned to Wolfram with a tight smile and replied, 

" Why yes, as you can see I am well and might I add that my well being is none of your concern, so as you can also see I have cleaned the dining hall already so if you will excuse me... " I sidestepped past Wolfram and had my hand on the door handle when Wolfram slammed his hand on the door, stopping me. I turned slowly and locked eyes with him, glaring deathly enough to send the flames of Hell towards him. 

" Is there a problem, Wolfram? " I said through my teeth, clenching my fist in anger. 

Wolfram's eyes narrowed at my tone of voice and leaned close to whisper in my ear, " I saw the way you were looking at me when I was eating a banana, and before that- "

Wolfram and Sebastian MpregWhere stories live. Discover now