PART I | A New Start

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Izuku: Iku Midori
Shoto: Shoto Yaoyorozu
Ochako: Kocha Ura

- Midoriya.

The green haired boy turned to face the principal.

- Nobody, even the principal knows about this. Make sure to not speak of this plan in school.
- Got it.

Oaka High.

I tied my tie around me neck, pulling on it to tighten it up.

- Izu.

I looked at Ochako. She was wearing a very fancy suit and her hair was neatly tied into a bun.

She looked beautiful.

- What's up, I asked.

She giggled.

- I've never seen you with your hair gelled like this, she said as she continued laughing.

I rolled my eyes.

My name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm 23 years old and a lot of years ago... I was a villain. All these years ago, I became one of the most infamous villain of all time, along with my 5 best friends.

Bad things happened for us to become this way...

But now, a few years later, those friends and I now form a group of underground heroes.

And we are about to end the League of Villains.

- Let's go see the principal, said Ochako, taking my hand.
- Hey wait for me! said Shoto.

For our underground mission, we came to Oaka High, a hero school. A few days ago, we moved a few blocks away from here, each of us in an apartment, except me and Ochako, who moved in the same one.

She's my fiancee after all.

After we moved in, we met up the principal. He showed us around the school and told us to come see him before class starts today.

We were currently walking there. The halls were empty of students, all waiting in their class for their teachers.

When we arrived, he almost immediately opened.

- Thank god you three are here.

He made us sit down.

- Mr. Midori.

I lifted my head to look at him straight in the eyes.

- You'll be the homeroom teacher of class 11. Ms. Ura, you'll be class 12's homeroom teacher and finally, Mr. Yaoyorozu, you'll be class 13's homeroom teacher. After that, have three tasks.

He looked very nervous.

- W-we couldn't manage to get 2 heroics and one mathematic teacher this year. Would you guys take those tasks..?

We looked at each other.

- I'll take mathematics, said Ochako.
- Perfect, so the Mr. Midori and Mr. Yaoyorozu, you'll be the ones teaching them how to be heroes.

"This'll sure be interesting."

- I'm excited! Thank you Mr. Principal! said Shoto.

We said goodbye to the man and left the room, making our way to our classes with the schedules he gave us.

- I'm excited for heroics! I can't wait! said Shoto, clapping his hands together.
- You guys will do great, Ochako said.
- You'll do great too I bet, I said back to her.

She smiled.

- Bleh! Stop that you lovers! Do that later when you're home alone!

I rolled my eyes as Ochako chuckled.

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