Chapter 1: Magnetic

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A/N: I was watching The Hangover last week and I got inspired to write a Bradga fic set in Las Vegas. It's a different take on how they met for the first time, in April 2015.

Overall story rating: M

Hope you enjoy!


Bradley Cooper leaned against a stone pillar by the entrance of the MGM Grand, glancing at his phone with a frustrated frown. Seriously, why was everyone else always late?

He looked to the side, cars arriving and departing constantly in front of the world-famous hotel and casino, even though the insane bustle of Las Vegas was somewhat toned down now in the sunny early Friday afternoon. He adjusted the backwards baseball cap on his head, hoping no one would recognize him through the disguise of the hat and dark sunglasses; this was a vacation weekend, the birthday party of one of his childhood friends and he wanted to be just a nobody.

Ah, Vegas. The city held so many memories, good and bad; this was where they had filmed the first part of The Hangover series six years ago and the third four years later, the surprise hit that had truly launched his career. The other side of the coin carried far too many parties, copious amounts of alcohol, drugs... Bradley shuddered slightly, looking down to his phone again; his wild years were something he didn't much care to think about.

The revolving door spun again, and he looked up hopefully; maybe Matt and Luke would finally be arriving so they could go get some lunch. Instead, he saw a very big guy stepping out, probably a bodyguard, then a blonde woman, small and petite; her long platinum hair was swirling down to her mid-back, her face mostly clear of makeup, her eyes very green as she checked out her surroundings. For a moment her gaze brushed over him and he couldn't help but stare because it looked like there was some sort of a halo around her, her mere presence commanding attention. She was followed out by a man of a similar age carrying a laptop case and a bunch of papers, then another very tall guy who also looked suspiciously much like a bodyguard. He had no idea who she was, but clearly she suffered no lack of self-confidence; her blue denim shorts were the shortest he had ever seen, revealing stunning, shapely legs, a white bikini top just about covering her breasts, her body toned and tanned. And then she caught him staring, gave a teasing wink, tugged her sunglasses down over her eyes and breezed past him into an awaiting car; the bodyguards gave him a once-over, clearly deemed him harmless, then followed. Bradley shook his head, watched as the car sped away; probably just another one of Vegas' rising starlets.

He released a heavy sigh and checked the time again; seriously, at this rate he would starve to death.


Stefani Germanotta allowed her eyes to brush over the man very briefly, definitely appreciating the sight; he was tall and lanky, dark gold hair curling below the backwards baseball cap, dressed in light blue cut-off jeans and a white t-shirt revealing strong arms. His eyes were covered by sunglasses but she knew he was looking at her, so she sent him a wink, walked into the car. Heck, engaged or not, she would always take note of an attractive guy.

Bobby tossed the papers onto the seat next to him, sighing. "Would you please put a shirt on before we get to the restaurant? I thought you weren't going to be Gaga this weekend; what was it that you said? I want to be an ordinary girl?"

She rolled her eyes at her manager, dug into her bag, pulling out a tank top. "Relax, Bob. I can do ordinary better than anyone, if I want to."

"Uh-huh." Bobby opened the cover of the laptop and she put the top on, checked her phone, smiling as she read a couple of messages; she was really quite eagerly looking forward to this weekend. It was the 30th birthday of her childhood friend and makeup artist Sarah, and ever since learning she wanted to spend it in Las Vegas, Stefani had been busy at work arranging a great party. Sarah did so much for her, was her close confidante and friend in addition to creating her incredible makeup looks; she deserved nothing less. This weekend, she was indeed going to be just Stefani, not Lady Gaga, was going to relax and have a great time with her friends and her sister. If her fiancé Taylor had been there, the weekend would be truly perfect, but he was working overseas and had basically only laughed at the idea of spending that much time with all of her girls, indicating it might drive him insane. Oh well, it was his loss.

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