A week had passed, and Paul began growing anxious. Ace was still waiting in jail. He had refused to accept Paul's offer until he found Peter, and he had been searching every day, with no luck. He had begun to grow strong feelings towards Ace as well, which added to his stress. Ace seemed to be more and more lifeless as the days went by, and had lost all of his previous humor. He had become stoic and serious, and it made Paul feel uneasy, and he knew he was the one putting Ace through it. And so he did what anyone would do, and went to the saloon.
He sat next to a short man with dark hair, oddly with a green tint to it. He ordered a glass of whiskey, filled to the brim. He glanced at the man beside him, still facing forward.
"Howdy", Paul said in a monotone voice. He looked over to the man and became confused as a shocked expression plastered his face. He looked pissed, too.
"What the fuck did you do to Ace, you cunt?", he barked.
Paul figured he was Peter.
"He wants to see you," Paul stated, calmly, "He's down at the station,"
Peter looked to be seething.
"Hop right in these handcuffs and we can get this over with", Paul said, only angering the smaller man more.
"Fuck you,"
Paul sighed and reached for the handcuffs strapped to his belt. He turned and raised his eyebrows at Peter. He was furious with Paul but knew he had no way out of the situation. He downed his drink and left the pub, Paul chasing after him.
"Sir, stop or I'll shoot,"
"Like fuck you will, wheres the fuckin' station?"
Paul had also begun to grow irritated. Peter had continued walking off, so Paul felt the only logical thing left to do was to tackle him to the floor. Paul was surprised with his strength based on his height but had still managed to get him in cuffs. Peter seemed to be the polar opposite of Ace. He was quiet, more sensitive, and more light-hearted. Peter, however, was angry, closed-off, and took things rather seriously. At least, that's what Paul thought. They walked to the station, Peter screaming profanities all the way there.
He walked into the station, Peter still screaming. In moments, he saw Ace rush up to the bars, a massive grin plastered on his face. It was the first time Paul had saw him smile since he had given him back his guitar.
"Kitty!", Ace called, which immediately stopped his friend's shouting. Peter was smiling too.
Paul put Peter into a separate cell, next to Ace, and gave Peter the safe offer he gave Ace. If he wanted to work with Paul for the remainder of his sentencing. He didn't seem too keen, but he hoped Ace would convince him. He prayed Ace would convince him. Paul left soon after.
It had been a few days since Peter was taken into custody. Paul had gone to visit them every day, and while Peter was still being stubborn, Ace said he would get over it soon.
Paul went in for his daily visit again, and Peter was asleep. He entered Ace's cell. Ace was still not completely in his previous spirits, but he seemed happier how he had a friend around. He had written more songs behind bars as well.
Paul sat on the bed next to Ace, and they had their normal conversations. Paul would ask Ace how he was, Ace would ask Paul what was going on. It had become quite predictable, but they both enjoyed each other's company.
Ace would often lay his head on Paul's lap, however, it happened less frequently since Peter's arrival. However, since Peter was asleep, he decided to put his head on Paul's lap. Paul played with his hair, humming soft melodies while Ace watched.
Love Gun
Fanfiction(Kiss Cowboy AU) Sheriff Paul Stanley begins to find his job rather redundant until a rather dashing crook and his right-hand man begin looting the town's saloon. Have a rootin' tootin' time, partners.