A Wolf of Roses

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A simple summer, that's all I ask for. I mean, it can't be that hard for a hired assassin to live a normal honest life, right? A wolf has to make money somehow, but I'm skipping introductions. My name is Vio, Vio Baxter Rosewood, I'm an assassin for hire here in Japan, eliminating any corrupt business people I'm assigned to hunt down. As well as any Stray Transient spirits that roam around here. For those who don't know, strange portals have been appearing around the world. For some reason or another, all of Japan has been cut off from the rest of the world and has had more and more Stray Transients appearing all over the place, either beastmen or human-like spirits are popping out of nowhere. The concept of Summoners is still relatively new to the world, being able to summon and command these mysterious characters. Summoners create a bond, or pact with these spirits and they do some teamwork shenanigans when in battle. Oh, right, I should probably explain something, well, I'm guessing I have a lot to explain, but I'll do it as I go along. A lot of battles have been taking place lately, but although they're all chaotic, nothing catastrophic ever happens, all thanks to a little app that's been downloaded on everyone's phone with no warning. It just, showed up there one day, for everyone. People have reported to delete the app, only to have the phone self destruct, and cause the owner to die. Even with several autopsies, doctors and professionals in the medical field can't find what causes them to suddenly die. People say it's a heart attack, others some kind of "divine intervention". I personally believe it's all part of this stupid game. It's what the app is, a game. A sick, twisted game no one knows how to beat, and we've been playing it for almost four years. I came to Japan in the first place for a family trip with my sisters, and now we're trapped here. This app has ran our lives since it first appeared out from no where. No notice, warning, nothing. This app's abilities is just, insane, like it bends reality around it. All destruction, or anything that happens when it's activated just, disappears, once you reset it. As if nothing has happened. Because of this, a lot of companies have taken advantage of this, budgeting contests and hosting tournaments for everyone. Not to say it's a bad thing. To be honest I attend these from time to time, mostly to scope out for a target that I'm assigned to. As an assassin, I'm not supposed to have my face out in public, which is why I never go to any briefings. I get assigned a victim from a source, I locate, kill my target, and I move on. Simple as that. But if you're going to ask how, it's this ability I have, ever since this whole thing started. It allows me to, in a way, make my body as sharp as a blade. With how long I've been using it, I believe can make each strand of fur on my body sharp enough to cut through stone. Along with this power is some special object certain Transients can use. Here it's called a Sacred Artifact, that lets you use some mystical power, but I never really used it, nor have I wanted to use it. But for me, it's an oversized pair of scissors, and it can expel a massive amount of light that can blind those who don't expect it. If you think a flash of blinding light doesn't help an assassin, it surprisingly does. No one can really see the source of it, so if I need a target taken out in public, a quick shine out of nowhere will confuse those around it and everyone will have one less problem to deal with. I do it quick and clean, unlike most associates I know in the organization I work for. Unfortunately, the name of this chapter isn't just for show or as a reference for my name, it's because of this power is why the figure of me is probably one of the most well known assassins in Japan. "The Fatal Rose" is what people call me, since when my target falls, any dripping blood that falls turns into rose petals, and it's the same for me. People only really die when the app isn't activated. Then you'd probably question "why doesn't everyone have the app on?" and "how can someone die if the app resets everything?" Well, that's because if I initiate a pvp against my target, it breaks the system if the other dies while unprepared, and nothing gets reset, or I'll just flat out put an end to them. That's how I kill people. I know, unfair, but assassins aren't supposed to play by any rules. But getting lost in thought, my phone vibrates in my pocket with a message from my superiors about my next target. "Corrupt Priest Uso. Location, Church in Shibuya. Wanted for predatory towards minors." I clenched my phone tightly in my palms, an expression of disgust on my face, but also followed by a sigh of annoyance. "Oh man, I wanted a day off from work today!" I realize I was in public and I playfully shake off any attention I made for myself, mostly because I don't do that good in a crowd. Walking around the market place towards my assigned location, I stop by a small tea shop for a quick drink, and sit around to think and do some research on my target. 'So, Uso is a predator huh? Hm, wonder how they found out. Never took him for a pedo. Oh well, a job is a job. Hm! Wow, this tea tastes, really good. I should have green more often.' Immediately, I get this ominous feeling that I'm being watched, or at least observed from a distance. This sharp gaze stayed for a few seconds until the sensation just disappeared. I stood up from the table as it did to see if I could find it, but I lost it in the crowd of people walking past the shop. It didn't feel like it was stalking, but like it was keeping a close eye on me. I don't think anyone would have known of me, occupation or not, I keep to myself, so this feeling vanished, but kept me on edge. Leaving a tip for the waitress, I make my way to the targeted location for my mission. Good thing I chose to wear a black coat today, lots of people are so blending in just makes me more unnoticeable in public. Standing in the middle of traffic, I find the church. It looks old, but well taken care of, along with some ivy growing around the walls. Just walking close to the front door, I can already hear people chanting in the main hall, and peeking through the tinted window, I can see my target. The old looking man walks through the isles, preaching his fallacies. Until he sees me in the back of the room, and he keeps his glare fixated on me. A chill goes up my spine, in a way, I almost feel violated, but for this mission to go smoothly I have to keep an act so he doesn't suspect anything as he walks up to me, slightly hunched over with his arms behind his back. "Tell me young one, are you too looking for the way to God?" "Hahah, I'm not one for religion sir, I'm just a simple observer." "Hmm, how most unfortunate." He walked off with a rather casual laugh as he continues to address the audience. 'Oh please old man, most unfortunate my ass. God I can't wait to get this over with already.' Waiting around a little while longer, everyone starts to leave the cathedral, about time. Priest Uso puts his things away in a bag, removing his white cloak, but still feeling uncomfortable, I make my way through the crowd. "Excuse me, Pastor Uso? Would you mind speaking with me, in private?" "Oh! Young one, it's a pleasure to know you stayed. And of course of course, in private indeed.." We walk to his office, looking behind me for a second to make sure everyone has left the hall. Upon entering, it's kept rather neat, appealing with a very welcoming sense, too bad it'll be vacant in just a few seconds. Uso closes the door behind us, and approaches me from the back, but before he could even speak a word, I was already behind him, the right side of my right hand covered in his blood. A cut to his throat, quick, and clean. "Forgive yourself Father, cause I doubt you'll be finding it in heaven, or the hell you'll be going to." Pastor Uso collapses, and falls toward his desk, using what little strength he has left to hold himself up, covering his neck with his free hand. "Y-you demon..! You devil incarnate..!" Before he could speak another hate slur towards me, he falls to the floor, limp and empty of life. Before I leave the office, I wipe the blood from my hands, and search his files for anything I could find. And as I suspected, a file drawer full of pictures and information of the children who come to these meetings with their parents, as well as a journal depicting his filthy fantasies, and what things he's done to anyone he's been able to get his hands on. Such a disgusting person. Wether is right or wrong of me, I leave the files out on his desk, so when someone comes to look for him here, they'll know the truth behind this pastor of lies. I take one last look at him before I leave, blood droplets turning into petals before they hit the ground, and any pool of blood underneath his neck begin to bloom in roses. Mission accomplished. I let out a sigh, and leave the office, leaving it creaked open for someone to find. I'm not merciless, so I'll let someone find his body instead of rot and decay. Out of nowhere, I hear the front door's handle shake, someone is coming in, and I just committed a murder. Damn it, this was supposed to be the last meeting today, why did someone show up?! Quickly and in a rush, I scan the room, looking for any place I could run to and escape. Right there, behind the podium is an open window Uso must've forgot to close. Looking like some vigilante, I had no choice but to jump out fast. Landing outside on the grass behind the building, the front door is heard again. Hm, I'm guessing whoever came forgot something and left. I didn't hear a scream or anything so they probably didn't see Uso's body. I let out a sigh of relief and stretch with my back against the wall. "Man, that was a close call." "What was a close call?" My ears perked up and my fur stood on end, only to see my little sister, smiling and cheerful. "C-Cienna!? What are you doing here!?" "Wow, calling me by my middle name huh? Guessing this is something big. Ah! Did you just kill someon-" Quickly covering her mouth and dragging her into the street, I give her a small interrogation, while also annoyed. "Blair, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" "Nah, school ended early today and judo practice was cancelled. Didn't want to come home yet so I looked for you and here I am!" I shake my head, but I place my palm on the top of hers and smile gently. "You could've blown my cover you know." "Oh come on, I'm sure with how long you've been in this line of work, you'd be just fine!" "Wait a second, how did you find me in the first place?" "Oh! You left your locations on, so I kinda just searched you up and found you, where I found you." Ugh, at least she somewhat knows to keep her mouth shut in public. But I should probably explain this. This is Blair Rosewood, my sixteen year old little sister, and the youngest out of the four of us. Spritely, cheerful, but also really sassy and with a bit of an annoying curiosity for a lot of things. Her middle name is Cienna, but I'm the only one she allows to call her that, not that she can stop me anyway. Usually, I'd pick her up from school when she's out, but it looks like it's not the case today. A lot of people at her school tend to think I'm her dad, but even then we look completely different. I look like a wolf beastmen, while she and my other two sisters look like normal humans. Well, aside from all of us having different hair colors, but I'll get into that later. Shaking my head and patting hers, we walk through the market place and buy some things for dinner. By the time we finish it was almost evening, around 5 or 6pm. Wow, I only planned to be out for an hour or two to complete the mission, good thing the pay from the organization is digital. "Wooo! We are so in for some yakisoba tonight! I can't wait for you and Es to cook this up, yahoho!" Hah, Blair certainly looks excited for dinner today. Finally, we make it home, nothing too fancy. A nice building, four bedrooms, two showers, and a living room with tatami mat. It's a pleasant home for an assassin I guess you can say. Blair wastes no time running to the front door, honestly I'm surprised none of the food fell out of the bags. "Sisters, we're hooooome!" What a shame, she didn't even stop to look at the new bird fountain Reina put together. It seems like it's filled up, with the reflection of the setting sun shining so bright off it. I take a little time to put my paw in the water and sharpen my fur, letting the reflection clean off it. Getting a little distracted, I didn't notice my older sister coming out the house to greet me. "Hey Vio! I'm glad you're home early this time. I'm guessing the job went well today?" Everyone, meet my big sister Estelle, kind, gentle and beautiful. Her long white hair in a pony tail almost like snowfall and orange eyes mimicking a sunset. "Yeah, it went by faster then usual. Then I ran into the little troublemaker afterwards." A small laugh escapes her and we walk inside the house, immediately getting hugged by my other and last little sister, Reina. She's older than Blair, and she's usually at home helping Estelle take care of the house while Blair and I are out. She digs her face in my stomach, giggling jumping up slightly. Her burning red hair swaying with each hop. "Bro! I'm so glad your back! You're gonna teach me how to cook dinner tonight right?!" "Ahahaha! Of course! Just gimme a sec to take a shower okay? I won't be too long!" She runs towards the kitchen, helping Blair take care of the groceries. Walking towards my room, I see a small note laying on my bed, along side a combing brush. "Hey! I just got a message about your next assignment. Looks like you'll have to infiltrate a guild of some kind in Toshima, but you'll have to leave for a while tomorrow morning. Come see me when your done taking a shower! - Es" Damn, not even a little bit of rest and relaxation before my next mission? Oh well, this pay better be big this time. Grabbing a fresh shirt and shorts, I see Blair waiting impatiently by the bathroom door. "Oh, bro! Can we take a shower together?" "Really? We haven't taken one in like, seven months." "Yeah I know but, I wanted to talk to you about something. And I don't want Rein eavesdropping." I shake my head and roll my eyes jokingly. She immediately rushes in and I hear the water running in what I though was almost three seconds. I walk in and she's all ready sitting down splashing water on her face. "Well then, I'm guessing this is a pretty importan-" "I have a crush on a guy at my school!" A dead silence came throughout the whole shower room, besides the running water hitting the floor and drain. Wrapping a towel around my waist and sitting on another stool, I start washing Blair's hair, trying to get her to relax. "Okay sis, what about this guy do you like so much?" "Ugh, well, he's actually in my friend group. And Es always told me to never date someone in the friend group because what happens when we do start dating? Will our friends think it's weird? Wait, I'm getting off topic. Ohh, okay. It's just, he's really nice to me. We have similar hobbies and we're both gaming nerds." "Hah, well if you feel like it's strong affections towards him, who knows, he might like you back in return." "Well, what about you Vi? Do you have a thing for someone ah- ow! V-Vio! Don't pull on my hair!" I was so embarrassed by her question that I accidentally pull her hair. Shit, how am I supposed to respond to this?! "W-well, you see, with my kind of line of work, romance isn't really a good idea! Yeah! It'll be distracting and just get in the way of course!" Geez, with her sassy demeanor I know for a fact she probably heard that stutter and knowing her she'll use it to her advantage. But, surprisingly, she didn't. She smiled at me, and we both started laughing, something I don't get to do too much anymore. We both finish our bath and start drying off. "I'm serious you know." She randomly speaks up, and I start fearing for the worst. "Serious about what?" I ask. "About finding someone! I mean, I know you're gay Vi, but look at you! You have the looks, you have the charm, and most guys would die for the body you have! I know I'm your sister and all, but you're freaking sexy! You could get any guy you'd want! So, why don't you?" "Well, I don't know. I guess you can call me a little picky? I've just never looked into it. I mean, I know a lot of other guys like my body, you'd be surprised how often I get flirted with at the gym or market when I'm wearing a normal top. But don't worry about me sis, I'll find someone eventually, alright dork?" Playfully I throw a towel at her and she throws it back at me. Leaving the showers, Blair trots off to her room, and I make my way to Estelle's room as she asked earlier. Walking in, we both exchange friendly smiles. Motioning me towards her bed, she grabs her hair comb, the same one she left in my room along side her note. "What? Is it time for my weekly grooming or something?" "Hahah! No no, it's just been a while since we got to spend some time together little brother. Besides, with your big mission, you should at least change your hair style to lessen suspicion." Honestly, I always forget that she has access to my files, so she knows when I have a target or an assignment from the organization. She starts combing my hair the moment I sit next to her, and it felt nice. I've always been told one of life's greatest pleasures is getting your hair brushed, I can see why. My tail starts wagging a little subconsciously, but that's kinda expected. Normally, I have short fur, but she combed it in a way that kinda gave me a pony tail. More like a wolf mane or something, it almost resembled my tail, well, aside from my tail being completely white. "D-damn Es! How did you even do this!? My fur is generally pretty short!" "Ahahaha! Never underestimate the powers of a hair stylist little brother! But, that's not the only reason why I wanted to talk to you." Grabbing a paper band to tie my hair with, Estelle hugs me from the back, her grasp tightening over time. "Just, come home safe, like you always do. Honestly, I always get scared when you have to leave for more then a day. Please, just come back home Violet." Turning to her, and wiping a tear from her cheek, I flash a gently smile for reassurance. "Of course Estelle. I always come home. This time won't be any different." She holds my paw in her hand, giving it a gentle kiss, then we both hear Blair and Reina yell across the house, ready for dinner. We all start eating, cracking jokes and telling stories. Hell, Blair and I even had a little race to see who could finish the noodles the fastest, but there wasn't any winners since we both choked, literally. Afterwards we can cleaned up, Estelle and Reina wanted to see who could clean the dishes quicker, and I'll be honest, both were of equal skill. The night started getting late and everyone was going to bed. I just sit there in mine, looking out the window, letting the moonlight seep into the room. Staring at my arm, my fur strained with a pattern of vines with thorns, all from my failed attempts when I was learning how to control this power have scared my skin, causing the fur to grow along these patterns. Holding my paw towards the moon, I try grabbing hold of it, letting it bathe me in light. I don't normally act in such ways, but I had this, cold feeling, in my chest. Letting out a sigh, I close my eyes, and let myself fall asleep, but this chilly feeling remained.

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